I'm new to the Raspi and this site. Working from Eben Upton's 2012 book, the suggestion to set up a LAMP STACK for a simple web server (chapter 6, p 124) seems out of date. Does anybody know the latest correct command set please? Also, my pi doesn't have the examples CPU/GRU memory partitioning files, but I'm guessing that the start.elf file may now do this somehow? Thanks in advance.
1 Answer
The Foundation has a number of useful tutorials which work with current Raspbian.
The following documents a Web Server (I use NGINX
The instructions for
- this is obsolete in Stretchphp7
is now default.If you follow the instructions (edit the files - but ignore changed content) it works.
You can set up L?MP on Apache2 or NGINX by following https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/lamp-web-server-with-wordpress
There is no need to go as far as Wordpess if you just want the stack.
Many thanks for your answer - I will pursue your suggestions. Mike– MikeCommented Nov 13, 2018 at 10:51