When navigating the file system of my USB drive in the terminal, some weird things happen that didn't used to happen on my Raspberry Pi B+. I'm not quite sure how to articulate this, so I'll just show what is
I open the command line and navigate to my USB drive with
cd /media/pi/MYUSB/
I use
to enter a folder of the USB drive withcd /myFolder/myOtherFolder
I navigate backwards to
withcd ..
I try to navigate again to
withcd /myOtherFolder
. However, this raises the bash errorbash: cd: /myOtherFolder: no such file or directory
I have no idea what or why this is happening, but I used to be able to do this without the error message. Sometimes I have power outages that cause the Raspberry Pi to shut off with the USB drive in it, so I have "ghost USB drives" like the ones described in Ghost USB drives left behind when power is cycled off and on.