Linked Questions

3 votes
2 answers

Rpi to Arduino Serial UART Communication Tutorial

I'm trying to connect my Arduino to my Raspberry Pi using the GPIO pins. I understand that the Pi uses a 3.3V signal while the Arduino uses a 5V signal so I bought a bi-directional logic level ...
soapergem's user avatar
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0 votes
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Reading only 0 from ADC using RPi SPI

Everytime I try to read analog channel 0 from ADC, it only prints 0. I am confused why. I shorted MISO and MOSI on my RPi to check SPI send/receive and it was working. But if I test it after properly ...
Yukti Kathuria's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Response to a incoming call using python script

I am trying to implement a system using Raspberry-pi and SIM-800 modules. Now I can see incoming calls from my python script, but it can not parse data. import serial serialport = serial.Serial("/...
Sachith Muhandiram's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

MCP3008 with photoresistor, analog to digital, noisy readings

I am trying to read values from a photoresistor. I would like to be able to read the 'level' of light, not just a binary signal. So I bought an MCP 3008 analog to digital converter, but I am running ...
Tuomas Talvitie's user avatar
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Reading analog value Raspberry Pi

I am a newbie with the Raspberry Pi. I want to measure Temperature Reading in 12/16 bit resolution. can someone guide me how CKT should be designed and How can read value using software. usually ...
Ajit N's user avatar
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Analog PH meter PH-4502C unbootable pi 3

I have the following hardware Raspberry pi 3 B+ 8 Channel relay DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor PH-4502C DIY MORE analog PH meter MCP3008 ATD Keyestudio TDS Meter V1.0 So far I got everything ...
Tlacaelel Ramon Luis's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the correct hardware required to connect multiple analog sensors to a Raspberry Pi 4?

I've been an avid Bonsai enthusiast for some time, and have always wanted to automate some of the day to day tasks (and get some data logging in the process). I'd like to be able to detect: soil ...
Saeven's user avatar
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How can Rpi connect to and read the DIY PH-4502C pH Sensor?

How can Rpi connect to and read the DIY PH-4502C pH Sensor?
Pierre Auger's user avatar
1 vote
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Can't read the analog channels from my ADC board using raspberry pi I2C

It seems like the ADC I am using does not provide instructions about how to communicate with the pi using the I2C interface. Does that mean I can't use I2C? I have the register addresses for all the ...
Yukti Kathuria's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to use Rpi [python] to read [SPI MCP3008] ADC of a [water] tank level sensor?

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can use RPI with ADC to measure a tank level sensor which has a range of only 20 to 200 ohm.
AussieBrad's user avatar