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3 answers

Cannot SSH into periphery RPis from master RPi using python script automated from crontab: Host key verification failed

Project Overview I have a series of RPi 3B+ which collect T/RH data using connected sensors. These "periphery" units collect data every 5 minutes, append the data to a CSV file that holds a ...
Fruity Fritz's user avatar
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2 answers

Restart Pi after ping failure?

I have been creating a prototype using Pi Zeros, they work great at my house but are failing often at customer's site (other side of country). I do not know if the Pi kernel is crashing or if it's ...
Logic1's user avatar
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2 answers

automatically restart service on boot

I'm still suffering from the problems I described in this post, and since I can't find a solution I've come up with a workaround. I'm thinking if I can use cron to schedule a restart of the ...
Rob Mackinnon's user avatar
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2 answers

Start and run a Python script at boot and use Cron to make sure its still alive

Hopefully someone can tell me if I'm going at this the right way. I have a Python script which I want to launch at boot. That was easy enough by putting a file in /etc/init.d/myBootFile I want to ...
KHibma's user avatar
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