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Error Installing TensorFlow on Rasperry Pi 3 B

I'm following this guide to create an AI chatbot which requires Python 3.6, TensorFlow etc. So I installed Python 3.6.8. To install TensorFlow I tried sudo pip install tensorflow I also downloaded the ...
AnonyoZarif's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How can i convert a python script into a Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspbian) executable?

I'm designing a GUI for my Raspberry Pi 3 B+. I've written the code in Python3.5 and now I want my script to be run as executable (Raspbian package). Is it possible to do so and if possible any ...
Vikash Sharma's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

how to install protobuf in raspberrypi3 b+ stretch?

Anyone can suggest me how to install protobuf in raspberrypi 3 b+. if I directly install using the command pip install protobuf it is install but I am not able to import ?
BUBAI NAYAK's user avatar
0 votes
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problem connecting with port serial0 for serial comm

I am facing this issue that I can't solve, I've been on this like 3 days and it is really frustrating! I'm trying to test AT commands through port serial0, I've tried it in a python file and when i ...
Frank Guerra's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

pip cannot confirm SSL certificate: SSL module is not available

I am trying to install openCv for Python 3.6 on my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, but somehow it won't connect to the website. I have pip installed for 2.7, 3.0, and 3.6 installed, so when I go ...
sudeep banik's user avatar