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Questions tagged [python-3]

Use this tag when referring to the Python 3 language. This can include discussions about specific features unique to the language or perhaps when referring to software that requires Python 3 in order to function. Note that general programming questions are often better suited to Stack Overflow; use this tag only where directly relevant to the Pi.

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python imports are different on pi zero and pi twozero?

Having tested my python programs using SSH on two Pis from a PC, I wanted to autostart them (they will be a pump manager in the cellar and an upstairs monitor with a call to my mobile if something ...
Gareth Williams's user avatar
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Could not load the Qt platform plugin

I'm using a Raspberry pi 5, I'm having issues running ultralytics and PyQt5 at the same time. The way I installed ultralytics and PyQt5 are different. First I used sudo apt install python3-pyqt5 , ...
Test Account's user avatar
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paho mqtt in python3: no module named typing_extensions

Pi Zero W Rev 1.1, running raspian buster. I can't seem to import the paho MQTT client in python 3, with the error shown below. Here are my installation steps: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade ...
buzzard51's user avatar
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Reflashed my SD card for my Raspberry pi 5 the packages are still there

I reflashed my SD card for another project, I set it up some and packages that was previously installed back before I reflashed it is still in the /usr/lib like PyQt5 and PyQt5-sip it always show &...
Test Account's user avatar
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2 answers

How to deal with multiple events from IR remote control?

I am trying to capture events from an IR remote control in a python loop. I am using the evdev lib Here is my code : import evdev def get_ir_device(): devices = [evdev.InputDevice(path) for path ...
bbd 666's user avatar
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Sysfs integration with python code - permissions issue

I’ve had a lot of issues regarding the sysfs interface recently, and unfortunately, I’ve got another unrelated one. I’m trying to integrate the sysfs gpio interface into my python3 code. This is ...
Matthew Moller's user avatar
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Why can't my IDE decide if my variable is Defined or not?

I'm building an adventure game as a fun way to teach myself python and I've run into an odd error. I've split my code out into multiple files for ease of management because its going to get pretty big ...
JonS's user avatar
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how do I update a variable with the contents of a textbox from inside a function?

I'm new to Python but not new to writing code. I'm attempting to write an adventure game as a way to stretch an assignment for a course. I can't use any extensions or libraries that don't come ...
JonS's user avatar
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Installing a package with pip instead of apt

Python 3.9.2 pip 20.3.4 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.9) I installed a package (pycomm3) with pip because it isn't available with apt. If I start the python program from the ...
evanmars's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is python 3.9 being used by my rpi bullseye OS for this envirophat pimoroni project?

i installed bullseye 32 bit on my rpi2 and installed the envirphat board on the pin header. I used to have the same envirphat board on a rpi0 that unfortunately got wet. I installed the library as ...
marciokoko's user avatar
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Can't use tkinter, and may have multiple versions of python at once?

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make this post with all the information I wanted to give. I was originally going to post it from the RPi 400 that I was having all these problems on, but apparently ...
Anonymaton's user avatar
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Azure IOT hub python package error in Raspberry Pi

I am using Raspberry Pi 4 and working on a project which involve azure-iot-hub. I have installed it using pip3 install azure-iot-hub and I am importing it like from azure.iot.hub import ...
S Andrew's user avatar
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How am I supposed to install Pillow (not PIL) on Raspberry Pi OS?

This is a new Pi 5 running Raspberry Pi OS and Python 3.11. I have a dependency on Pillow. Definitely not PIL because PIL lacks certain features - specifically ImageTk: ImportError: cannot import ...
Chris H's user avatar
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Adafruit_fingerprint from the adafruit circuit python library

This is my code with the error, I'm using a raspberry pi model 4B running off of thonny import serial import adafruit_fingerprint #uart = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=57600, ...
Chimi's user avatar
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Can I control IR filter of night vision camera

I'm using night vision camera (PIS-1138) with Raspberry Pi 4 and Picamera2 Python3 library successfully. However, the camera seems to switch some sort of IR filter automatically on/off based on the ...
atonus's user avatar
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How to capture and geotag a image with Raspberry Pi 4 as a companion computer to a Pixhawk Orange Cube

All. I’m quite new to the DIY drones community and programing. I want to build a drone with a Pixhawk orange cube with Copter 4.5.1 and a computer companion Raspberry Pi 4 with its own camera module ...
Luca Ilie's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4: Python - RuntimeError: Error waiting for edge

I am trying to get the falling edge of a HB100 doppler radar with a Lm358 amplifier module. The error is RuntimeError: Error waiting for edge It was working great and stopped suddenly. I have already ...
GuiDupas's user avatar
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RPi 5 Python Shhutdown command shutsdown then reboots

The issue I am facing is that my RPi 5 running bookworm is running a heavily modified version of the script found on
Collin's user avatar
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Slow tkinter app loading and choppy mouse

I have a raspberry pi 5 running a python app that uses a customtkinter UI and TCP client running on a thread along with some serial port IO on another thread. The app loads in around 15 seconds and ...
Ohbhatt's user avatar
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GPIO not performing program operations

I'm working on tensorflow lite project with custom models. I'm making a conveyor belt to detect and remove defective items which are trained by me. My camera detects object but when it comes to make ...
namaaa's user avatar
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RPi 5 Code Does Not Work Without Root

I have a code. Because it is very long (2500 lines) I can not throw it here but here are the libraries: import sys import datetime import locale import serial import time import os import cv2 import ...
MEnsar55's user avatar
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Connecting a RFID-RC522 with Raspberry Pi 5

I bought a new Raspberry Pi 5 for a project that has RFID-tag reading and writing functions. I tried using some old python scripts(MFRC522-python) that uses RPi.GPIO to interact with the IO pins but ...
Bruh255's user avatar
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GNSS module do not working with raspberry pi, but working on pc

I have an error with my GNSS module. I use it with an usb-uart driver, and when I connect it to my computer, and read datas with u-center or in a python script I get continously updated position ...
Domkrt's user avatar
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I cannot install OpenCV on RaspberryPy

I cannot install OpenCV on RaspberryPi 4 Model B with Bookworm OS. I tried at least 4 different ways including pip and cmake. Each time I reach the step to install OpenCV, it ends in failure: cannot ...
Ovidiu Moise's user avatar
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How to run SPI1 and SPI0 at the same time?

I am currently attempting to send and receive data from SPI0 to SPI1 on a singular raspberry pi. My Current code is as follows; from multiprocessing import Process import spidev import time import sys ...
Ben's user avatar
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Achieving high FPS on multiple still image captures

Trying to achieve a good 30 fps on Pi 3 Model B using the old 5MP camera module 1.3. Recently downloaded OS Bullseye, and using PiCamera2 on Python. The goal is to achieve: Good FPS ~30FPS for a 100~...
Khaled's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

on bookworm cant use picamera2 with opencv-python

installed opencv--python on bookworm os when using picamera2 i get this error: QObject::moveToThread: Current thread (0x7f6802fd50) is not the object's thread (0x7f6822efb0). Cannot move to target ...
Oferb's user avatar
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how to start a tkinter GUI before the login window on raspberry pi4 b

I Have a raspberry pi 4B running using Debian GNU/Linux 12. I created an executable file as GUI. I want to start this GUI before the login window appear and when ever the user close it the login ...
georges's user avatar
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PyQt5 Widget Background Color Incorrect on my Pi

I have searched high and low for this problem, but cannot find anything anywhere. I have Python Version 3.8.10 and PyQt5 version 5.15.10 running in a Virtual Environment on my Py4 with 8Gb Memory ...
themetman's user avatar
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1 answer

SPI sending and receiving data

I hope you can help. I am currently using a raspberry pi 4b and want to be able to use the SPI capabilities. For my pi I have SPI0 and SPI1. The pins used are as follows; SPI0_MOSI - pin 19 (BCM_10) ...
Ben's user avatar
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Why can’t I stream an mp4 from my RPI by opening it in the browser?

I’m new to self-hosting and am still learning what is and isn’t possible. I have a raspberrypi 4b and am running raspberry piOS Lite (bullseye). As an experiment, I uploaded an mp4 to my RPI and then ...
nslamberth's user avatar
1 vote
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Adding a WiFi network with Python over bluetooth

I'm working on a project where a mobile app can find and pair with a headless raspberry pi running Pi OS (Debian Buster Port) over bluetooth, send it an ssid and password and it'll create and hop on ...
bsautner's user avatar
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Python PIP not working after upgrade

How do I fix this? I was trying to upgrade my Python to 3.10.2 which works fine. However, pip is throwing errors. These are the steps I followed to upgrade: #Downloaded new version and Extracted ...
CornDevil's user avatar
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Why does this GPIO button click run twice if I remove the print statement?

I run this script when the Raspberry Pi boots. When a key is pressed (GPIO 19) the interrupt function gets called. If I remove the print("BUTTON PRESSED") statement on line 10, the interrupt ...
Raed's user avatar
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Raspbian: Visually Open Terminal Window and execute command after boot and login to desktop environment

Please god can someone help me. I've just spent the last 8 hours trying absolutely everything I can find online in every different way I can possibly think of and none of it works. Chron jobs cant ...
problemlow's user avatar
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Raspbian Show Service status via LED not finding substring in output

So im trying to make a Python script that constantly tests if a services is running and output the status via a red LED. I have a script: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time import os ...
Steve's user avatar
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Outputting to SH1106 display with PIL only works from loaded files [closed]

I'm dealing with a maddening bug when trying to use an OLED module (sh1106 clone, interfaced over SPI) with a raspberry pi. I have stolen the following function from
catalogue_number's user avatar
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Convert from physical pins to I2C

I have a QR code scanner that uses wiegand protocol, have used this code for it, it worked fine for physical pins, but now I have another board onto the Pi, an extender board that uses i2c protocol, ...
Martzy's user avatar
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Downloaded Raspberry Pi (32bit) showing up as (64bit) when verified with uname -m

I'm trying to use Raspberry Pi for a voice recognition project. I have Raspberry Pi 4 model B. I was having issue downloading PyTorch with the error of "Could not find a version that satisfies ...
user155849's user avatar
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How can I make some videos in the GUI that was designed using qt5 run in a loop?

I have some videos in a GUI that plays when certain conditions are met. The problem I have is that I am unable to make the videos start again after they end. Here is the code for the UI: import os ...
Shamooooot's user avatar
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How can I run at boot or autostart an app with GUI?

I have a python script with a GUI that was designed with qt5, the script runs fine whenever I run it through the terminal or Thonny IDE. But no matter how much I tried, after trying many guides, ...
Shamooooot's user avatar
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Use pip cache for docker builds

I want to install python packages within docker containers. Since the build of some packages is time-consuming and sometimes fails, I want to use a cache that is reused. I found the mount type cache ...
Dronakuul's user avatar
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How to program remotely on horribly slow Pi-2

I have an old RPi 2 B which I've loaded the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS Lite onto. I'd like to use it to make an IoT device using an TFT LCD screen to show information like the weather and my ...
Atom's user avatar
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waiting for dbus address to appear error

I'm trying to run my Python executable on startup but I'm getting an error (waiting for dbus address to appear error) continuously it can't stop. Is there any way to stop I tried to update and upgrade ...
sathishkumar B's user avatar
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Trouble capturing images from a Raspberry Pi camera using Python

I am having trouble capturing images from a Raspberry Pi camera using Python. The following code works fine the first time, but fails to read data from the camera on subsequent attempts: # ...
ZondoX's user avatar
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PCA 9685 i2c communication issue

I would like to ask a question regarding the usage of secondary channel of i2c in rpi 4b. I have enabled the secondary channel through adding "dtoverlay=i2c-gpio,bus=2,i2c_gpio_sda=22,...
user153780's user avatar
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Updating Connector/Python for Python 3.11

Having moved to Python 3.11, I need to update Connector/Python - which requires the MariaDB Connector/C library. This library is normally installed with python -m pip install mariadb But I'm getting ...
tyddynonn's user avatar
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python script for 4x4 keypad, some buttons not working

I'm trying to use a python script to make a connection with my 4x4 keypad on Raspberry (RPi.GPIO). The code does not work correctly, because the first and second rows do not respond. I'm trying to use ...
Jorge Augusto Wilchen's user avatar
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Python requests is too slow with certain WI-FI connection

I'm working on a TTS app using AWS Polly in Raspberry PI 3 B+ and when I post a text using Python requests it take a long time receive the response, around 16-17 seconds. This happens only with a ...
Shyam3089's user avatar
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Tkinter GUI not starting on boot with ROS

I'm trying to launch a tkinter GUI I made that is used to read GPIO pins as well as some ROS topics. I'm using Buster 10 and ROS Melodic with Python 3.7. I am using Clearpath's robot_upstart package ...
jr4d's user avatar
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