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Correct cross-compilation options to run binary on Raspberry 3 model B

I have Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with me. I am developing on Ubuntu Linux laptop computer. I want to cross-compile so that the binary may run on Raspberry. My Raspberry info: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /proc/...
AlphaParticle's user avatar
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Compiling pascal applications to .elf on PC

I am making a pascal app on my pc for use on my Raspberry Pi, I thought that coding the app on my Raspberry Pi would be inefficient. I have completed the app and now I need to test the app on my ...
SidS's user avatar
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Compiling driver for raspbian jessie 4.4.21-v7+

I'm trying to compile the driver of rtl8812AU ( I've downloaded and installed the last version of raspbian. The following is written in the change log, among ...
Yuri Borges's user avatar
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g++ typedef strange behaviour

I am having trouble compiling some very simple C++ code on my Raspberry Pi B+. I wrote the following program in a file called test.cpp #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> /...
asonnino's user avatar
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si7013 driver install raspberry pi

I bought a Silicon Labs si7013/20/21 usb dongle and now I'm trying to install it onto a raspberry pi 1 running raspbian with kernel 3.18 + I compiled a kernel after adding the drivers to drivers/...
Mikeec3's user avatar
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PJSIP cross compilation linker error unresolvable relocation

I'm trying to write a very small, very simple project using PJSIP. But I'm already stuck on the first step, incorporating PJSIP in my project. I'm trying to build and compile on a Ubuntu 14.04 system ...
Cerebres's user avatar
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Lightweight and/or legacy distro for FOTRAN hackery?

My grandfather was a programmer back in the day, and lately he's been hearing about the RPi in the news and he's expressed a desire to try one out. He can remember computers filling whole rooms and ...
anaximander's user avatar