General Rant
- Don't feel you have to use any particular Casing Conventions, it's only meant for those control freak in your enterprise team.
- The most stupid of all is cAmElCaSe
- Don't use any case-sensitive languages
- eg. C, C++, C#, JAVA, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, XML, ...
- Don't use any case-sensitive OS or FileSystem
- eg. Unix and it's flavors
- When something is case sensitive I purposely use ALLCAPS just to see if I can blow
some of its bolts off.
- Don't use any separators like commas and semicolons if you can't use
them as terminators
- If an environment insists on commas and semicolons as separators I do
the following:
- [![enter image description here][1]][1]
Otherwise I do the following (comma as terminators)
Don't use any language or file format that won't let you embed comments
- eg. CSS, JSON
If the display you are trying to workout has different dpi/ppi in each
direction simply throw it out of the window
Can We Have Simply Human CSS?
CSS Specific Rant
The Golden Rules
- I want a CSS for the average Joe
- I want a CSS I can read and comprehend in 6 months, or a year from now
- If CSS is breaking down (IOW, you observe severe breakpoints and all
this trash jargon) then there is something wrong
- with the way it's being
- not allowing you to express your design.
- Don't ever ever ever use units like px, em, ex, cm, mm, pt,
- Use vmin, vh, vw and % when needed
- I don't care about retina non-sense, it means absolutely nothing, to me
- Avoid non-sense garbage CSS pollution things like
- -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio,
- min--moz-device-pixel-ratio,
- -o-min-device-pixel-ratio
- I will soon commit murder!
PS. Always say NO to semicolons, camelCAsE and anything case-sensitive... absurdity at its best.