I have Raspbian 3.12.X, and I want to compile modules, so I installed a distribution with kernel headers:

sudo apt-get install linux-image-rpi-rpfv linux-headers-rpi-rpfv

Then, I tell Raspbian to boot the newly installed kernel by appending this at end of /boot/config.txt and reboot the Raspberry Pi:

initramfs initrd.img-3.10-3-rpi followkernel

Now I want to restore version 3.12.X. When I launch rpi-update I get Your firmware is already up to date, but uname -a shows:

Debian 3.10.11-1+rpi6 (2014-04-27) armv6l GNU/Linux

1 Answer 1


I think you want to revert to a particular kernel/firmware version.

Go to https://github.com/Hexxeh/rpi-firmware/commits/master and find the commit key for the version you want. Then use the following command substituting the commit key for the one you want.

sudo rpi-update 5ea0f44b673eaa52c578fcd6480495f19cd53d97 (example)

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