Somewhere in the upgrade from the 3.6.11+ kernel to the 3.10 kernel, the ability to receive video through a USB capture card broke (capture card is based on the stk1160 chipset). It is documented in this github issue. I've tried upgrading to the latest kernel (4.1.4-v7), and the issue still persists. In testing on a Raspberry Pi B+, the functionality works again only when I've installed a 3.6.11+ (or older) kernel, and breaks past that kernel version.
I'm hoping to try and install this kernel older 3.6.11+ on a Raspberry Pi 2. So far I have attempted cross compiling the 3.6.11+ source using the arm-linux-gnueabi- toolchain and bcmrpi_defconfig configs, but I get the rainbow screen on boot, which I'm assuming means there was a problem with my kernel (I verified this by swapping out my kernel image for the official 3.18 while keeping everything else the same, and I was able to boot). I believe my cross-compilation process is correct, as this image that I am able to cross compile and load onto and SD card will boot on a Raspberry Pi B+.
I feel like this has to do with the fact that the 3.6.11+ source wasn't designed to work with the ARMv7 architecture, and that I somehow need to account for this in my compilation process. So, my question is, is it possible to install the 3.6.11+ kernel on the Pi 2, and secondly, what steps/configs am I missing in this process?
Edit: An alternate course of action for me (I think) would be recompiling the old source for the kernel modules relevant to video capture against a more recent kernel (like 3.18). Is this easier or more feasible?