I'm trying to mount a folder on my Pi in /mnt/camshare to my network share, as shown below. The network share exists & I can browse to it on a spare Ubuntu machine. FYI the Motion folder itself has 777 permissions, and samba has been installed on my Pi.
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo mount.cifs /mnt/camshare //server/raid-array/Motion
Couldn't chdir to //server/raid-array/Motion: No such file or directory
I can also physically browse to the folder smb://server/raid-array/Motion from the Raspberry Pi. But I still get the error above.
The end goal is to get fstab to mount it upon startup. I have currently added the lines in my fstab file:
//server/raid-array/Motion /mnt/camshare cifs
username=server,password=secret,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
This is also an issue