I'm trying to count pulses using the GPIO pins and when I run this script I get the error (it's written in leafpad then I open it in IDLE)

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/Pi/Desktop/revcount.py", line 10, in g.add_event_detect(2, g.RISING, callback = increase rev) RuntimeError: Failed to add edge detection

Here's the code

import RPi.GPIO as g
from time import sleep
g.setup(2, g.IN)
global revcount
revcount = 0
def increaserev(channel):
    global revcount
    revcount += 1
g.add_event_detect(2, g.RISING, callback=increaserev)
while True:
    print "RPM is {0}".format(revcount)
    revcount = 0
  • Does it work if you run with sudo?
    – joan
    Commented Dec 6, 2015 at 22:25

1 Answer 1


The relationship between GPIO numbers and pins is as follows.

GPIO       pin  pin    GPIO
3V3         1    2      5V
0/2 (SDA)   3    4      5V
1/3 (SCL)   5    6      0V
4           7    8      14 (TXD)
0V          9   10      15 (RXD)
17 (ce1)   11   12      18 (ce0)
21/27      13   14      0V
22         15   16      23
3V3        17   18      24
10 (MOSI)  19   20      0V
9 (MISO)   21   22      25
11 (SCLK)  23   24      8 (CE0)
0V         25   26      7 (CE1)
0 (ID_SD)  27   28      1 (ID_SC)
5          29   30      0V
6          31   32      12
13         33   34      0V
19 (miso)  35   36      16 (ce2)
26         37   38      20 (mosi)
0V         39   40      21 (sclk)

If the GPIO column has a V it indicates the pin is connected to the power rail and not a GPIO.

Where 2 figures are shown separated by a / the first figure is the GPIO number used on the first revision Pi B boards.

Here is a simple RPM counter.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import time
import pigpio # http://abyz.me.uk/rpi/pigpio/python.html

REV_GPIO=2    # GPIO getting pulses.
SAMPLE_TIME=3 # Recalculate every SAMPLE_TIME seconds.

pi = pigpio.pi()           # Connect to Pi.
cb = pi.callback(REV_GPIO) # Default tally callback.

old_count = cb.tally() # Pulse count.

   while True:
      new_count = cb.tally() # Pulse count.
      print("{} RPM".format(60.0*(new_count-old_count)/SAMPLE_TIME))
      old_count = new_count

except KeyboardInterrupt:
   cb.cancel() # Cancel callback.
   pi.stop()   # Disconnect from Pi.
  • When I run it in Python 2.7.9 it says import error: No module named PIGPIO (I downloaded it and it's there) then when I run it in Python 3.4.2 it says Name error:name 'pigpio' is not defined (referring to line 9) I tried pigpio.py but still get the same error
    – Junaid
    Commented Dec 7, 2015 at 18:39
  • To use that pigpio script you would need to download and install the pigpio library (as detailed in abyz.co.uk/rpi/pigpio/download.html) and then start the pigpio daemon (using sudo pigpiod).
    – joan
    Commented Dec 7, 2015 at 18:43
  • When I try to compile, link and run foorbar.c it gives an error saying No such file or directory
    – Junaid
    Commented Dec 7, 2015 at 20:15
  • You only need to do the download and install part. I.e. "wget abyz.co.uk/rpi/pigpio/pigpio.zip;unzip pigpio.zip;cd PIGPIO;make;sudo make install". The foobar.c example is a standard way of showing how you would compile your own C code.
    – joan
    Commented Dec 7, 2015 at 20:24
  • By the way your original script should have worked if you invoked the script with sudo python script.py or sudo idle as you were doing.
    – joan
    Commented Dec 7, 2015 at 20:27

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