I tried to set up remote development with Netbeans IDE 7.3 Beta 2 so that I could build on my Raspberry Pi from my Win 7 laptop. I followed the pretty straightforward instructions here, but unlike what is shown, Netbeans would not automatically recognize the GNU toolchain on the RPi.

I tried logging in as root (still had the same problem), and I also tried to manually add the toolchain to Netbeans. I was able to locate the toolchain executables (gcc, g++, gdb, etc.) but it seems that Netbeans is unable to access them, because it marks them as invalid.

My RPi is running Raspbian.


1 Answer 1


In the tutorial you posted. The poster says that he is using version 7.2.1 of Netbeans. Have you tried using his version?

Sometimes a small change between versions will break something. Give version 7.2.1 a shot..

  • Yeah, that fixed it. The author of the tutorial gave me the same advice.
    – lopsided98
    Commented Jan 2, 2013 at 18:18
  • The stable 7.3 works fine, for anyone who sees this later.
    – lopsided98
    Commented Jun 9, 2013 at 12:29

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