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Questions tagged [software-development]

Software development refers to the process of developing software on the Raspberry Pi. It can also refer to development software on another system for the Raspberry Pi.

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1 answer

LCD1602 and software i2c with the raspberry pi 5

I'm currently using the LCD1602 with my raspberry pi 5 and have run into a few issues. I'm trying to use no library software i2c partially because I struggled to find a pi 5 - working LCD library and ...
Matthew Moller's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Going from Raspberry Pi to embedded / real products with SoC?

Imagine having built something like Amazon's Alexa yourself. You've used all that nice HTTP / network libraries for Python and other developer-friendly things. Maybe you are also using a Python ...'s user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Freezing in Raspberry Pi 3B+

I would like to inquire about the circumstances under which the Raspberry Pi 3B+ may experience freeze when connected to multiple devices via an Ethernet gateway (each of these devices having ...
Hien_lee's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

No FIQ.h on Raspberry PI3B+

I was exploring the FQI routine for ARM processors. I noticed that most Linux kernels provide a fiq.h header file yet my RPi does not seem to have it. Using find does not return anything. My Linux ...
Robin Y's user avatar
  • 21
0 votes
0 answers

Accessing Pi's files - help

I've invented a product and due to limited time and funds, paid someone else to use a Pi to construct a 'proof of concept' for me. It was eventually delivered, and my next move will be to install all ...
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0 answers

Raspivid Overlay

I have been struggling for the past week to come up with a method to overlay text on a Raspivid preview. I have my raspberry pi connected via HDMI and simply want to overlay sensor data (in the form ...
peytonicmaster6's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Updating custom program over 4G

I have been working on a project that uses a Raspberry Pi 3b+ to send collected data to my server. This Raspberry Pi is setup with a 4G module and is able to send and receive data to and from my ...
Blue's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to build an Android app on Raspberry pi?

As you may know, the Android development system is available for the Raspberry Pi from the Debian project here: However, they do not include Android ...
wudude's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to develop/automatic test Raspberry PI images without constant plugging and unplugging SD card?

I am new to Raspberry PI development. I am building my custom boot image. I am taking image file, mounting it on linux, adding/removing somefiles, unmounting, plugging sd card to cardreader, dd-ing ...
Dims's user avatar
  • 175
2 votes
2 answers

How to code for Raspberry on ordinary PC [closed]

I am learning how to make things with Raspberry. For now I do coding right on the Raspberry. However, this is a very slow computer and I believe there is much more efficient way of working. How to ...
zhekaus's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How to stop this code

I am using this script to play notes on a Piezo in Python, but need help making it stop. Here is the full code, it is still a work in progress. A lot of it is probably irrelevant to the problem, but I'...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Pi 4 performance against x86 - CI/CD server with Java/Maven

I was considering using a Raspberry Pi 4 as a cheap CI/CD server with Jenkins & Maven. Does anyone have a performance comparison of a Pi 4 against a modern Intel Core i3/i5/i7? For example, how ...
The Impaler's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Common LISP on a Pi

I’ve been waiting for a Common Lisp with a decent IDE to become available on RPi and I see both Allegro and Lispworks have ...
Nick's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is there a TUI that functions more like a GUI?

I'm looking for something like a dialog/ncurses menu but as a full interface. There are plenty of of programs I have found that do a task like say: find a file and delete it, connect to an AP, monitor ...
Nareik Seivad's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Using Raspberry Pi to flash its own SD card

I'm developing a Buildroot OS for the Raspberry Pi, and my workflow requires very frequent re-flashing of the SD card to test new iterations. The process of removing the SD card from the Pi, flashing ...
Jeremiah Rose's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to develop with a Pi Zero W and a Windows 10 laptop (in a car)?

I have a commute of several hours every day, as a passenger, so figured that I might as well make use of the time and learn C/C++ development on the Pi. I comfortable & confident happy with C/++ ...
Mawg's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Effective way of developing on a PC and deploying the program onto a headless Raspberry Pi

The way I mostly go about developing for a Raspberry Pi is by writing the code on my main machine in an sshfs directory that corresponds to /home/user on the Pi and then testing it by sshing into the ...
xuwenbuwer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Music Sequence, which hardware and software is best? [closed]

This question is supposed to be subjective.. well I need to ask this one way or the other... soooo: As a project I wanted to create my own music sequencer (like a drum machine or synthesiser) from ...
Miger's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Help with choosing a GUI library for RPI developpement

I am currently coding an app for Raspberry Pi, the app is very GUI dependent. During my research i saw online that tktinker is good for small/simple apps. I got really excited for PyQt but found out ...
Rida MarLey's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Getting a Pi to turn a light on and off at an outside site - no internet or similar

I need to switch an outside light on during the hours of darkness for a horse that has trouble seeing. In a field in the middle of nowhere. So, currently I have the Raspberry Pi, I have put it ...
Anna Clarke's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Is there an IDE that fully supports "remote development" and "remote host execution" on Raspberry Pi?

I've been developing Python code for my RPi from my Mac. It's simple: I've installed XQuartz on the Mac, idle3 on the RPi, ssh -Y ... to the RPi from the XQuartz terminal, then idle3 & to access ...
Seamus's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

How can I automatically deploy my code changes to my Raspberry Pi? [closed]

What is a good Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment solution with Raspberry Pi? EDIT The developer experience with writing programs directly on the PI is suboptimal and potentially lossy,...
Blanthor's user avatar
  • 151
0 votes
1 answer

How can I remove all data from my Raspberry Pi 3? [closed]

Recently I tried downloading a full Bitcoin node, but I keep receiving an error before I can run the command bitcoind. What command should I use to start the entire Pi over from scratch?
user789046's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I just wondering if the peripherals like DMA, PWM and such, are all accessible from user-space

I managed to access GPIO registers according to the datasheet by mmaping the peripherals-base-address provided from "/proc/device-tree/soc/ranges"and made my own user-space library and just ...
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3 answers

How to install MonoDevelop or other IDE for Mono 5.2.0 on Raspberry Pi 3?

I have used this accepted answer to install Mono 5.2.0 to the Raspberry Pi 3. But I don't know how to install monodevelop or other ide to the Rpi3, because sudo apt-get install monodevelop doesn't ...
greyline's user avatar
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1 answer

Agent development environement

I am trying to develop a multi agent system using Raspberry Pi to work as an intelligent management system. Agents will use to get sensor data, time available and priorities and then decision making ...
Sachith Muhandiram's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Using raspberry pi as function generator

I'm trying to figure out a way to use the raspberry pi to generate AC waveforms of any arbitrary shape. Ideally, using a programable IC where the wave forms are dictated entirely by the higher level ...
user70776's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

poster/inforgaphic explaining what a rasberry pi is

I am looking for a downloadable poster that can be printed on A4 that explains, in an exciting and engaging way, what a Raspberry Pi is and what its potential is. It is for a place where computers in ...
Charles's user avatar
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1 answer

Communication between C and C# program on RPI3

I have a question i wondered by myself if it is possible to communicate between a C# and C programm. I want to use the C# program for the user interface and then send commands to the C program that ...
sanderfcb95's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why does i2c not work on my raspberry pi 3 model B?

I have the raspberry pi 3 model B and would like to communicate over i2c. I have heard that the bcm2835 and bcm2837 chip ar almost identical, so I should be able to use the bcm2835 library to ...
qjbihftc's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Powering External Devices

I am wanting to use a Raspberry Pi 3 to communicate with two Texas Instruments CC2538s (over serial USB), I am wondering if the RP will be able to provide enough power over its USB ports to power ...
Campbell Wray's user avatar
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1 answer

Create Website on RPi using Windows IDE

I'm really new to using an RPi as a web server. I want to develop a couple simple web sites, probably using Javascript for now, maybe Python. I've set up Apache, Python, and MySQL on the RPi3, running ...
Jim Shaffer's user avatar
1 vote
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Protecting the on-board flash memory content on Raspberry Pi 3 SOM

I'm using the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 (CM3) in my latest hardware product for networking and user interface function, as it has small form factor and solid availability (until 2023 according to ...
ainla's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Recording landline phone calls

My cell phone is recording all phone calls (using Automatical Call Recorder on Android) and this has helped me a lot of times (both because I didn't hear something very clearly or as evidence for ...
Coder14's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How and in what language can you create this very little script so it works for Raspberry Pi 3?

I have bought a Raspberry Pi 3 but I cannot run .exe on it (i got a self made script on Windows but it doesn't work for Raspberry). What I want is open browser, press f5 button, loop Can you please ...
tenepolis's user avatar
40 votes
2 answers

Is it legal to use Raspberry Pi to develop a product and sell it?

I have a project in mind that uses Raspberry Pi to develop a software. The final product will be modification of the Raspberry Pi circuit (get rid of any components that the project doesn't use) and ...
henry chan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Mobile Development On A Pi

I've been using a raspberry pi for two years for coding ( mostly in c++, using SDL2 ). Now feeling I have a sufficient grasp of this library, I would like to try out it's mobile utilities to get stuff ...
Yk Cheese's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

changing values on a GPIO input pin via software/script

I have had a look around and no one mentions anything about this. Is it possible to change the value of a GPIO set up as input pin via "software" terminal or something like that? The reason is I ...
maco1717's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Reliablity for devices produced with a raspberry Pi

I have succesfully developed a computer vision solution on my raspberry pi. Now this solution would help a lot in the transportation area of my country and I want to start selling it. I don´t know ...
Wladimir Dlc R's user avatar
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Use a program on a Raspberry Pi without an OS [duplicate]

I'm a software developer and all the programs that I have developed were to run on an operating system. Now, I'm going to start developing software for Raspberry Pi and I'm wondering if I can create a ...
VansFannel's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Sonar & Rotary Encoder processes running at the same time, in the background (multithreading? subprocesses? asynchronous?)

So, I'm making what's turning out to be a pretty difficult project for me to code. In short, I'm making a speaker that will play audio when you get near it (thanks to a sonar), with a knob interface (...
lanewinfield's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Visual Studio Code & .Net Core ARM support

I am new to the Raspberry Pi platform and I have been collecting resources and trying to determine what the little computer is (not) suited for. I understand that Python is the go-to programming ...
Michal M. Maslowski's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

How to know the input voltage on Raspbian?

I have a unattended raspberry with a power supply for many device. Raspberry has lately restarts and I think that may be caused by a under voltage. Is it possible to check the input voltage for ...
crossmax's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

Access network Samba share from Pi client

I've been using my PC to access the files on RPi, using Samba Server on RPi. But, Is there any way I could open Samba Connections on Pi? Like browsing Windows PC Samba Files on RPi?
Snazzy Sanoj's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Nebeans + Tomcat dying constantly

I'm using Netbeans 8.0.2 with Tomcat 8.0.15 on Raspbian and run some JSP-Projects on it. The performance of Netbeans is not that great but mostly it does well... until everything crashes. I ...
Qohelet's user avatar
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Robot running off Raspberry Pi A+

I am participating in a competition where I need to make a motorized vehicle that goes a distance you learn immediately before competing. What I have in mind is to mount a Rasp Pi A+ and a motor to a ...
Router1011's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How the data transmission of the non-ir-filter-cam works

How does the transmission of the raspi non-ir-filter-cam work? Can I get a forth value "ir" in a pixel (r,g,b,ir)? Or is an ir pixel just white? In the end I want to have a python script that has a ...
palsch's user avatar
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1 answer

Control pump via raspberry pi

I have a pump that is powered when plugged into the mains. I have a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B running Raspbian Jessie. How can I switch this pump on/off via software running on the raspberry pi? (...
Kevvvvyp's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

SDL2 performance

Is it possible to use SDL2 with 2D hardware accelerated rendering on Raspberry Pi? If 2D hardware accelerated rendering is possible on the device, how do you check to see that your application is ...
Hop's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Development on Raspberry Pi

I'm relatively new to the Pi from a webdev and basic Python background. What I'm finding ridiculously annoying is trying to debug and run code efficiently on the Pi. I like to develop on Sublime2 or ...
john's user avatar
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