I am pretty sure this has already been answered but I couldn't find any answser yet.
My Raspbery PI 3 acts as a web server with Nginx, and the native WIFI is configured as a WIFI hotspot.
So from my Windows 10 machine, I can connect to the Raspberry WIFI hotspot, then I can access a website served by Nginx using the Raspberry PI IP address.
But now I would like to access my Raspberry PI using a domain name. I know that I can access it via raspberrypi.local, and it is working if I try from a Linux machine, but it is not from a Windows machine. I understood I need to install something (called "Bonjour"?) on my Windows machine. I don't want it, I would like to just be able to type raspberrypi.local on my browser in Windows 10 and access my Rasp.
Can I set up something like a DNS server in the Rasp that will be used by Windows 10 when connected through the Rasp WIFI hotspot?