once I had sd card corrupted, so I couldn't use it again for raspberry. Tried everything.
Now different error. I disabled swap on sd card and placed my script files and some files on ram memory to save sd card from corruption again. Every day made backup from ram memory to sd card. This time raspberry pi up time was about two weeks. And I found out that raspberry pi gives this error. When I try to write something it gives me "Read-only file system" even when i typed reboot it showed me this error. I unplugged the power of raspberry and tried to start it again. No luck. Same what I had with first card. Both times I'm using Thosiba SDHC class4 4GM. What caused this error? I placed my files in location /dev/shm/ - found that it's ram memory and I can keep small files there. I was using about 15MB of that memory only. I have two raspberry pi more with same clone img but different sd cards. SD cards on those raspberry's are original NOOBS sd card, witch came with raspberry pi.
What should I do to avoid from this error again. What caused this error? Do I need to worry also about those two raspberry ?
If it's helpful I'm using these raspberry's to measure temperature and register door opening in server room. Using DS18b20 sensor and for doors there are some leds attached to gpio. If need something else to discover problem, please ask. Searched all network, didn't fine fix for this.