I am using raspberry pi(Debian Wheezy) with OpenCv 2.3.1. I tried to take video using e-CAM30_USB module but failed. I can take images. FFMPEG is on. But gstreamer tells the stream is unsupported.
For this question Mr. ppumkin answered that
"The still pictures is a standard JPG encoded by the MJPEG encoder, that's why you can see it. I am sure gstreamer supports MJPEG and not sure about YUV2. But! It is possible that the MJPEG implementation for ARM (Pi) architecture could still not be supported.
Possibly gstreamer needs to ask the camera for MJPEG directly or something else needs to ask for it. I doubt YUY2 will work any good on the Pi.(At least it is not listed in any supported codecs - but MJPG is)
It is possible that you should use something other than gstreamer."
I heard about MJPG Streamer ,but don't know how I can use it. Could you say a better solution? or How can I port MJPG Streamer to raspberry pi?