Are there any USB GPS dongles / devices for Raspberry Pi 2 that work with Windows 10 IoT Core? Alternatively, how about a Pi HAT using the I/O pins?

2 Answers 2


I have worked with a UART (Serial) GPS device "U-blox Neo 6m". It comes with a different baud rate. I have worked on both "9600" baud and "115200" baud devices. Both work like a charm. By default, it is configured for NMEA protocol (refer this video).

Connection: RPi2 <-> Ublox Neo 6m

  • Connect Rx line of GPS device with RPi2's UART0 Tx (Refer to the RPi2 pinmap)
  • Tx line of GPS device with RPi2's UART0 Rx
  • Vcc line of GPS device with RPi2's 3.3V
  • GND line of GPS device with RPi2's GND

Programming: Windows IoT - Serial Communication
After connecting GPS device with your RPi2, you need to program Windows IoT to listen to the NMEA strings transmitted by Ublox Neo 6m. Refer Serial-UART code snippet described at the Raspberry Pi 2 Pin Mappings.

Make sure, you have set baud rate correctly, which should match with your Ublox Neo 6m's baud rate or else it won't work.

You can find Ublox Neo 6m's baud rate which should be listed on seller's website. Most Ublox Neo 6m works on either 9600 or 115200 baud rate.


Well that is likely to turn into a question about how do I do Serial over USB really I suspect as that how most of them are configured.

There are quite a few examples of connecting to Generic Serial over USB and the likely problems in other questions on this forum which my prove helpful.

Serial connection GPS is you can use. For example: https://www.adafruit.com/products/746

Via https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/0de82554-c086-4b98-abbe-95dc5c7432ca/what-gps-dongle-device-works-with-windows-10-iot-and-raspberry-pi-2?forum=WindowsIoT

  • Don't see how this answers the question. It's basically a quote from a forum post that says google it. Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 16:53

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