I'm running a Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian Jessie. I have been trying to set up a bridged network using:
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif eth0 eth1
It works. Traffic is bridged in both directions properly. Unfortunately, after less than 60 seconds all SSH connections to the Pi timeout and the Pi itself no longer responds to any pings or connections on any of the ports that are listening. I checked my router's DHCP client list and it hasn't handed out any new IPs -- the Pi should still be accessible on the reserved IP I've provided for it.
using /etc/network/interfaces
iface eth0 inet manual
iface eth1 inet manual
I do not have the bridge settings in /etc/network/interfaces
yet, as I want to figure this issue out first. I have tried setting the eth0 IP manually, instead of letting it get it via DHCP, but no dice.
What am I overlooking?