I have a Sunfounder temperature sensor module and a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. I want to use this to create a temperature logger, but nothing is working as I expected it too.
The temperature sensor has an analogue and a digital output. Using a voltmeter I've found that the analogue output puts out a voltage between 0 and 3.5V which I suppose can be converted into the temperature -- I'll worry about that when I need to. However, I now no that the Pi does not have an analogue in - it read only 3.5V or 0V on the GPIO inputs.
My understanding is limited, but my question is: how can I read the digital signal from this module? On the GPIO inputs I can read the pin and get 1 or 0, but how can I convert this into the voltage (and then the temperature).
My only idea the digital output is outputting some signal which can be decoded, but I'm completely stuck as to how.
Any advice is appreciated.