So we have a how-to, yet it works only when OS was already installed. In case when the device is fresh and .iso (say raspberian) was just flashed sctipts differ: there is no wpa_supplicant folder and interfaces looks diferently.

How to set WiFi configuration before first insertion of flashed raspberian into WiFi capable RPi 3 device (I have only WiFi in my router)?

  • You don't mention what OS you used to burn the card but this will work with Linux davidmaitland.me/2015/12/raspberry-pi-zero-headless-setup. If you don't have a Linux box you can always use a live CD. Commented Oct 10, 2016 at 16:58
  • Windows+raspberian+Paragon ExtFS
    – Blender
    Commented Oct 10, 2016 at 17:00
  • If you are up to the challenge you could try out buildroot to make your own customized build with the required settings. I must mention, the process is time consuming and requires a reasonably powerful system to be able to quickly run change-build-deploy-test cycles. There are also config files specific to raspberry pi 1/2/3 which should help you get started Commented Oct 10, 2016 at 20:53

1 Answer 1


Referring to THE LATEST UPDATE TO RASPBIAN it can be done easily. Just place your WiFi configuration on the freshly burned SD card:

If a wpa_supplicant.conf file is placed into the /boot/ directory, this will be moved to the /etc/wpa_supplicant/ directory the next time the system is booted, overwriting the network settings; this allows a Wifi configuration to be preloaded onto a card from a Windows or other machine that can only see the boot partition.

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