So yesterday after a bit of effort, I was able to get Pyserial 3.3 up and running on my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. I even wrote some test code to make sure it worked properly, everything was fine.
So I boot up my Pi today, go to run the test code again and get the following error:
Import Error: No module named 'serial'
This was obviously from me running import serial
on my test script. But it worked fine yesterday so I am confused.
SO I decided to boot up the terminal and run pip to make sure PySerial is still installed:
Requirement already satisfied: pyserial in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyserial-3.3-py2.7.egg
So what is my problem? The only thing I can come up with is at the end of the night I was trying to upgrade my IDLE to 3.6 since I was using 3.4. Maybe the install didn't go right? How would I go about undoing that install if that was the problem?