
I have the following issue. When I try to login as the pi user with the local IP adders I get this error:

ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer

I am not listening on port 22 at all, as I have changed the ssh port to something else.

And if I try using the external IP, I get this error:

Permission denied, please try again.

I can ssh into it just fine with both internal and external IPs. I have bound the internal IP and setup port forwarding.

Any idea where the problem might be?

  • Possibly related: askubuntu.com/questions/264046/…
    – Brick
    Commented Aug 29, 2017 at 12:45
  • 'When I try to login as the pi user with the local IP adders[sic] I get this error:' and then 'I can ssh into it just fine with both the internal and external IPs' . This is confusing. It would be better to state the IP addresses in use and which ones have a problem. If you are trying to ssh to the unit and have moved sshd to a port other than 22 then you'll have to specify the port in your ssh connection/command.
    – Charemer
    Commented Aug 30, 2017 at 12:07

1 Answer 1


Figured it out. Just had to provide the server with my public key and use the IdentityFile option for sftp.

Thus, the command is :

sftp -oIdentityFile=/path/to/file -oPort=port user@address 

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