As I'd like to play MP3 files on my Raspi 3B, I installed mpg123 together with the libmpg123-dev package so that I can call mpg123 from some host application. However, every time I call out123_open (), I get seven identical error messages, which read as follows:
[src/libout123/module.c:163] error: API version of module does not match (got 1, expected 2).
A brief look into the out123.h header file revealed 2 as the current API version. I've got libmpg123-dev from the sid branch, as the version from the stable branch lacks the out123 files I need.
What's wrong here? Thank you for any useful hints.
gcc -H -fsyntax-only <yourfile.c>
which will output the headers used, and edit that in your post if you can.