Currently I am using a relatively new Westinghouse TV with my RasPi. It works perfectly with one caveat, I need to boot with it plugged in to the HDMI for it to work.

I run my Pi headless most of the time, but every so often I need to plug in the display to check things but when I plug in the HDMI while the Pi is running my TV does not detect any output.

Is there a command that I can run to make my Pi re-scan for devices?

I am running Raspbian.

I can post any other useful information upon request. (I don't know what to post that will help.)

1 Answer 1


cec-client seems to provide the functionality you need:

$ echo "scan" | cec-client -d 1 -s "standby 0" RPI

there's an explanation regarding installation and compilation of cec-client here: http://www.roberteklund.org/projects/raspberry-pi

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