My Rspberry Pi 3 Model B+ has the SD card with the latest Raspbian lite OS. I connect it via the USB port of my Mac for the power supply and the Ethernet cable is connected to my Windows machine.
I can see the green light flashes for a while and then it goes off after say 20 seconds. I then see a constant red light. I then open putty on my Windows and try to ssh into the Pi. I also have an empty ssh file under the boot directory. When I now try to boot into the pi using putty, I get the following message:
Unable to open connection to raspberrypi.local Host does not exist
I even tried to just give raspberrypi instead of the raspberrypi.local, but nothing seems to work.
I tried to ping raspberrypi.local and raspberrypi, but nothing seems to work. I get a Host not found message back.
Any ideas as to what is wrong with this? How can I resolve this?
EDIT: I solved it. The problem was that my Windows laptop was not setting up any network with the Pi even though I had a LAN cable connected to the Pi from my Windows machine. My Windows laptop is connected to the home internet via WiFi.
Now, I connected the Pi directly on the router at my home and bang I can see the pi listed in the set of devices at my home and thus I was able to log in!
My router is in the cellar, how can I now just use my Mac to give the Pi the needed internet connection? I don't want to go to the cellar every time I want to play with my Pi. Any ideas as to how I can make the Pi connect to the internet just using my Mac?