Good evening, i'm asking your help, to understand how to use a timer in kernel module to achieve periodic task with period less than a microsecond. I was searching on the web and i've found that exists a Timer (ARM side) that is capable of such timing. Has somebody used it and could give me a little hint?
2 Answers
Done it! This is the include section
#include <linux/hrtimer.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
This is the variables block
/* Timer variables block */
static enum hrtimer_restart function_timer(struct hrtimer *);
static struct hrtimer htimer;
static ktime_t kt_periode;
This is the initialization
kt_periode = ktime_set(0, 100); //seconds,nanoseconds
hrtimer_init (& htimer, CLOCK_REALTIME, HRTIMER_MODE_REL);
htimer.function = function_timer;
hrtimer_start(& htimer, kt_periode, HRTIMER_MODE_REL);
This is the procedure to cancel execution of timer
hrtimer_cancel(& htimer);
and this is the callback
static enum hrtimer_restart function_timer(struct hrtimer * unused)
if (gpio_current_state==0){
hrtimer_forward_now(& htimer, kt_periode);
I assume you are looking for timing with greater accuracy than 1 jiffy?
Have you checked out hrtimers?