I tried to get the temperature and pressure with the BMP085 sensor and my Raspberry Pi (256MB) via I2C. I used this Adafruit tutorial: Using the BMP085 with Raspberry Pi, but this isn't working for me.
What I did? I commented out the call to the altitude function, because there was an error and the altitude isn't interesting for me. So after that I get a temperature and humidity output, but with the wrong values. The output is jumping in very huge steps (e.g. 40°C to 100° and back) or I get huge negative values (e.g. -1300hPa). Sometimes, really rarely it seems that I got a right value, but with the next measurement it's the same as before.
I have no idea what to do.. can anyone give me some ideas or suggestions what to do?
Thanks so far.
sudo i2cdetect -y 0
orsudo i2cdetect -y 1
as described here?