Linked Questions

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Why do I need to run GPIO as root even with GPIO Ver 0.6.2? [duplicate]

Trying to use GPIO in Python, but it only works if I change to root. Why? The description for GPIO Ver 0.6.2 indicates that root is no longer needed?
Fred's user avatar
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Accessing gpio not working as non-root. "Can't open /dev/mem: : Permission denied"

I am attempting to get a c++ program to access the gpio as non-root. I am on a raspi 2 running Jessie. I followed the instructions on issue: Access GPIO pins without root. No access to /dev/mem. Try ...
Cole's user avatar
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RuntimeError: No access to /dev/mem. Try running as root!

I'm new to RPI and to Python 3 and I have a problem running this code on a RPI 2. import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) redled = 4 greenled = 26 GPIO....
nashville_bill's user avatar
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RuntimeError: No access to /dev/mem

I'm using the PXfmini with the raspberrypi3 for a project and I need to use mavros and python code. My operative system is Frambuesa. I created the catkin workspace and I tested the c++ file ...
flavia13's user avatar
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What sets ownership and privileges on /dev/gpiomem?

This post has a nice solution for using GPIO (and I2C) without root-privileges. This is useful if you're running an (web) app in a virtual environment as some ve-user, so as to shield off your whole ...
RolfBly's user avatar
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Accessing GPIO from lighttpd server not working

I have installed lighttpd on the Pi, and configured it to run using fastcgi. Accessing python scripts from the browser works. But when I add the code to access GPIO, it fails with the following:...
yogur's user avatar
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Set permissions and group for /dev/gpiomem permanently [duplicate]

I need to allow my user access to the GPIO pins and found following solution. Access GPIO pins without root. No access to /dev/mem. Try running as root! This works perfectly. All I need to do is ...
wewa's user avatar
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Can you control raspberry pi GPIO pins from a html website

I would like to be able to connect a html website to the GPIO pins so that when a button is pushed on the website it turns on a GPIO pin on the pi. I am also wondering if it is possible to take data ...
jaguarclaws2000's user avatar
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Permission issue accessing /dev/mem – gpio node-rpio

I am somewhat of a newbie, so please let me know if there is a way I can go about this better. I'm working on doing some LED coding (WS8201 strip) with node.js and it appears I am having trouble ...
natoPotato's user avatar
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Allowing uwsgi to make GPIO calls

I've got a Raspberry Pi Zero W acting as a Flask python server that listens for webhooks, then runs a function to turn on a motor until the GPIO pins read a certain combination of inputs. I used to ...
Andrew Konoff's user avatar
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WS281x library cannot access /dev/mem without root

I get this error from the rpi_ws281x library when trying to run as user pi (this is a java wrapper around the library): 16:43:59.060 [main] INFO com.github.mbelling.ws281x.Ws281xLedStrip - LEDs count:...
0__'s user avatar
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Python, RpiZero and gpiozero

I'm coding on Rpi3 using python3. When trying to run a code, containing a gpiozero lib - it fails when running on RpiZero, while succeeds on Rpi3. RpiZero contains gpiozero lib Trying to find the ...
guyd's user avatar
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Can't change ownership of '/dev/gpiomem' in a docker container in RPi

I'm trying to run a simple docker container with a python base image to control the LEDs on my RPi4. The Dockerfile compiles fine and I'm running it as follows: docker run --rm -ti --privileged --...
langford_js's user avatar