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1 answer

Writing bash script to reboot pi 10 times and log output

I have written a Python script and scheduled it to run @reboot using cronjob. Sometimes this script throws an exception sometimes it works perfectly. I want to write test scripts for this. Preferably, ...
Osama Khalid's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Cronjob not executing when raspberry pi reboots

The following is the Python script that I want to execute every time Raspberry Pi reboots. When I run this Python script directly from the terminal it works. Not only does IP gets stored in the file ...
Osama Khalid's user avatar
0 votes
5 answers

How to run a script (pointing to a python file) with root permission at startup in Raspberry Pi OS?

I am trying to run a script which ultimately runs a pagekite python file. The Pagekite offers tunnelling service for localhost to be publicly accessible. My aim is to run the when the Pi ...
DaSnipeKid's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

python code to read SMS not working when running under cron

I made a python code to read SMS from SIM800 module, that is connected to a Raspberry Pi Zero W, and it is working like a charm when I run it on a terminal or another IDE. Here is the expected result: ...
Luis Lange's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Crontab Permission Denied running simple Python Script

I've been trying to get this to work for DAYS. Its doing my head in because everything i search suggests this work. The process is Cron executes bash which executes python I open and edit the cron ...
Felixr2's user avatar
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2 answers

Using shell with cron

I have an app controlling a piece of connected hardware that displays a few lines of info and requires user input (on stdio). The app runs fine from a shell. I set up the RPi to auto-login with CLI ...
user120300's user avatar
1 vote
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gallery-dl script doesn't work with crontab or rc.local but works manualy

I wrote a simple script that cycles through a file and grabs some links from a file to run through a program called gallery-dl. This script works fine if i run it manually but just wont work with ...
WaffleGod54's user avatar
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How do I cron schedule a playlist shortcut on my desktop

How do I trigger a shortcut "My_Favourites.xspf" that lives on my desktop. I would like to start playing this playlist of music in the morning to wake me up. Just to explain better: When I double ...
user4742250's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Cronjob is missing the GET parameter in Raspberry Pi

I am using a headless raspbian OS on Raspverry Pi 3B+. I have placed the following code at the home directory of the user pi #!/usr/bin/env python import socket import httplib s = socket.socket(...
Denis's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to run a script which uses I/O's on startup?

I have a python script which makes use of the standard RPi I/O's where I am detecting multiple inputs and storing values to a database. The script runs without exiting until the Pi is powered off. ...
rrz0's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Skip first job run at reboot with Cron

I'm trying to run a Bash script with Cron every 5 minutes to check if my Raspberry Pi have changed its IP address or not and update me, this is the script i'm using. #!/bin/bash #check and send ip ...
Salar Yunis's user avatar
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1 answer

Autostart python script and see its output on the terminal

Is there any way that i can auto run a python script at boot and see its output on the terminal other than editing the .bashrc file ? I tried using crontab job and putting myscript in /etc/init.d/ ...
Hbib's user avatar
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42 votes
2 answers

Open chromium full screen on start up

I would like to set up a couple of Raspberry Pis to open automatically chromium or any other browser available to at start-up, and in full screen mode. I was wondering if any of you can help me. ...
Catalin's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Get Bash instead of /bin/sh in a VNC session started by cron

When I open a terminal (e.g. lxsession or xterm) in LXDE which is running in a VNC session the shell is $ echo $SHELL /bin/sh However, I want my default shell which is /bin/bash to use my .bashrc ...
Frank Breitling's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Raspberry pi, streamer + crontab + dropbox = catCamera, does not work!

I wrote a bash script that uses the dropbox app as per RaspiTV. I am using a standard USB webcam and streamer to capture videos of my cat when I am away from home with the hope that these can be ...
dearN's user avatar
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2 answers

Bash video script stops working after a week

I am trying to create a series bash scripts to check on my dog when I am at work. I have cron jobs setup to run the scripts on the days I work, but after about 8 days the script stops working. I tried ...
shawn's user avatar
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1 answer

why my script is not executed with root privileges using Crontab?

I have a working bash script and I want to run this script every minute with root privileges using crontab. I created my crontab as follows. >sudo crontab -e Then the file opened and I entered my ...
ThN's user avatar
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Raspberry Cron don't work [duplicate]

Every 15 minutes, I need to run a PHP script. So I created a file containing this line: #!/bin/sh php execute.php >> twitter.log When I run the script manually, it works. Oddly, ...
Rasmus's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Cronjobs not working

I've got a problem with my cronjobs and I'm not able to solve it on my own. That's what i wrote into crontab -e (with newline at the end): SHELL=/bin/bash */1 * * * * /home/pi/Projekte/C/ ...
scherzkrapferl's user avatar