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Questions tagged [raspbian-jessie]

Raspbian-Jessie is a GNU/Linux operating system derived from Debian 8. Initially released in September 2015, superseded by Raspbian-Stretch in August 2017.

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1 answer

Are there any archives that I could use to do "apt full-upgrade" on Rasbian Jessie or Stretch?

I have an old Raspberry P B+ which used run much faster with the old versions of Rasbian. I can still find the install images for Rasbian Jessie or Stretch, but the repositories needed to do apt ...
Erin Tyres's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Cannot install openCV in Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ where source list is Jessie

This is for the project the board is provided from our college we are trying to install openCV on Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ but we cannot install cmake and openCv. But we have encountered an error . one ...
manik's user avatar
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1 answer

Installing tcpdump breaks IPv4 networking?

On a Raspberry Pi 2 running Jessie, I just installed tcpdump. It worked when installing, but after rebooting, IPv4 is unavailable on the eth0 interface. It is normally headless and reached by SSH, but ...
tim11g's user avatar
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1 answer

I broke SSH access to my Raspberry Pi

I had my Raspberry Pi 3B+ running old Raspbian Jessy. I was connecting to it by ssh. I have installed uhubctl. uhubctl is a tool which can turn off power supply for USB port. I got # uhubctl Current ...
Dims's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

apt install stuck on mirrordirector

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ apt show rsync Package: rsync Version: 3.1.1-3 Maintainer: Paul Slootman <[email protected]> Installed-Size: 645 kB Depends: libacl1 (>= 2.2.51-8), libattr1 (>= 1:2.4.46-8)...
Joymaker's user avatar
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1 answer

Segmentation fault running Python/C++ OpenCV executables (package DVR-Scan)

I use DVR-Scan 1.0.1 [1] for video surveillance (scan video files got from an IP camera) under a Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) system on a Raspberry Pi 3 model B. DVR-Scan depends on Python and ...
Pestro's user avatar
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Error install raspberrypi-ui-mods

I am moving from Jessie to newer version Stretch followed this What is the latest sources.list for Raspbian?. I successfully update and upgrade. However, when I installed the raspberrypi-ui-mods and ...
CoffeePlease's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Semicolon required in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf

Strange error occurs when I do either ifdown wlan0 or ifup wlan0: # ifdown wlan0 Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.3.1 Copyright 2004-2014 Internet Systems Consortium. All rights reserved. For ...
Dims's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

apt update problem - 404

I've got a Raspberry Pi 3B running Jessie. "Sudo apt update" is throwing many 404 errors. Here's an example: Ign jessie/non-free Translation-en_GB Ign http:...
JB McK's user avatar
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1 answer

Raspberry Pi Zero W as USB Keyboard

I’m having trouble setting this up on my Raspberry Pi Zero W. I am getting the error that there is no file called 'hidg0'? When I look in dev/ I do not see one either? I am running on the latest ...
Emilie van Eps's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I get Python 3 to work again on my Raspberry Pi?

I am running Raspbian on a Pi 3 that has one job: it runs a clock on a Sense Hat, from Python 3 source code. Recently I found I was unable to run my clock program, which generated an error stack that ...
mobilityguy's user avatar
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Can't install Python Packages via Python SSH

I'm running Raspbian Jesse on my Raspberry Pi and I get the following errors: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo python3 -m pip install -U[voice] Defaulting to user installation because normal site-...
Mercrist's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

BlueZ with Raspberry Pi 3

I'm working on a project that involves interfacing a PC (windows based) with a raspberry pi 3 using Bluetooth with c++. I've done some research and found that the library BlueZ is one of the best ...
dmta24's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

sudo apt-get install iotedge fails on raspberry pi

I am following this tutorial: I am installing it on a clean raspberry PI with the following version: Distributor ID: ...
Luis Valencia's user avatar
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RPi will not boot to command line [closed]

My RPi 2 (jessie) still boots to desktop, if I configure CLI in raspi-config. I also tried what was recommended here: sudo systemctl set-default sudo ln -fs /lib/systemd/system/getty@...
MiB_Coder's user avatar
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1 answer

Add WiFi details and SSH to Pi Zero W

I have a Pi Zero W which I want to use for the MagicMirror. Because of some hardware limits I have to install "Jessie" to make it work. No problem there. The problem is that I need to add the WiFi ...
Interactive's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 3 model B won't boot

A few days ago I went to boot my trusty Raspberry Pi model 3b (I know, it's a bit outdated) after quite a few months of not using it, and I was going to connect to it in a headless configuration, but ...
sleipnir's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

WIFI not working with Buster but OK with Jessie

I am able to configure WiFi with Jessie on Pi Zero issuing the following instructions from the command line:- sudo su wpa_passphrase "SSID" "PASSWORD" >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf ...
Nick C's user avatar
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.txt files become empty

I have few .txt files I use to store configuration information for some python and shell scripts on my Pi. They are occasionally read from and very rarely written to. The Pi runs 24/7 mostly but will ...
presish's user avatar
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How to Stop the prompt window - The file is executable. Do you want to execute it?

I created an executable file (say- TestApp) from a python file using pyinstaller. Everything works fine. But every time, if try to open it, this Prompt window will appear. [The file is executable. Do ...
master_yoda's user avatar
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pyinstaller: Command not found

I have installed pyinstaller using pip3. In my home/pi folder, i have a python file ( I tried to create the executable using pyinstaller. pyinstaller --onefile But I am ...
master_yoda's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

cleaning GPIO pins using pigpio module?

I am using pigpio module to control 12 GPIO pins of the Raspberry pi. WHich includes PWM reading, software PWM etc. I couldn't find a method to clean up the pin at the end of the program. Isn't it ...
master_yoda's user avatar
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Does python sleep function affect GPIO output?

I am using a sensor with a Raspberry Pi to monitor a process (temperature) every second. I have an LED to indicate if the value is above 50 degrees. And the LED should remain ON for the next 10 ...
master_yoda's user avatar
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Using pigpio and hardware PWM simultaneously

I am using pigpio to read 4 inputs. Everything works fine. And the entire process is a bit long and memory consuming. I also have to use one PWM output. I am planning to use the hardware PWM (pin 12 ...
master_yoda's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

RPi 3B + Undervoltage on Jessie but not on Stretch

My RPi is running flawlessly on Raspbian Stretch, but when i flash a Jessie it shows me a rainbow screen with undervoltage icon. I've tried a couple versions of Jessie, to no prevail. I specificaly ...
Niter's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Raspberry Pi Imager says "Input file is not a valid disk image."

I'm attempting to put Raspbian Jessie on an SD card. (I'm choosing Jessie to eliminate a possibility of incompatibilities with the SW I plan on using. I may use Buster after getting everything working ...
Bort's user avatar
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2 answers

Repository seems to have gone away, what is/was it for?

Yesterday I tried to upgrade one of my Pis from Raspbian 7 (JessieWheezy) to Raspbian 8 (WheezyJessie) and finally to Raspbian 9 (Stretch). (The upgrade to Buster won’t happen until I get a bigger SD ...
user149408's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Multiple Wifi networks - can't connect with VNC

I'm using a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B with a wireless USB adapter, Raspbian jessie. Until today I only had the raspy connected to my home network, everything was fine. Now I have the necessity to bring ...
Davide_sd's user avatar
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2 answers

Raspbian: journalctl only lists current boot although syslogs exist

Although there are previous syslog files in /var/log -rw-r----- 1 root adm 55117 Feb 10 06:25 syslog.6.gz -rw-r----- 1 root adm 66363 Feb 11 06:25 syslog.5.gz -rw-r----- 1 root adm 54885 ...
monok's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I get libserial for Raspbian?

I've got a hard time installing libserial on my Raspi 3B with the recent Raspbian: Both the libserial docs, and the Debian package directory suggest to install the libserial-dev package but a sudo ...
Neppomuk's user avatar
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Raspberry pi connection to wifi

I am a newbie to Raspberry Pi as I want to connect the Raspberry Pi to my Wi-Fi network which has a gateway, SSID and password. When the Raspberry Pi is booting up it connects automatically to Wi-Fi, ...
shan's user avatar
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Cross-compiling QT interface to a Raspberry PI 3

I'm trying to install Qt interface to a Raspberry Pi 3, which raspbian is the "2016-05-27-raspbian-jessie". I didn't want to install, directly, all the packages on the raspberry so as to let ...
Nour's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is there an ssl problem after installing python 3.8.1

Hello i'm using a Raspberry pi running Raspian Jessie. I've tried updating the python version to 3.8.1 and it seems I'm having troubles running pip with it. After i enter this line in terminal ...
Mat brightington's user avatar
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2 answers

Error trying to reformat SD card

After bad attempt to update Raspbian version from Jessie to Stretch my Raspberry PI 3 failed to boot (green LED is blinking 4 times). I tried to reformat microSD card to install new version of ...
moonvader's user avatar
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Resolving unmet lib dependencies in Raspbian Jessie

I am trying to create a sensor for a project at my job (project from this website using a Raspberry Pi 3B. However, I have been stuck for some time with dependency ...
eriukristene's user avatar
2 votes
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How to fix link error of OpenVINO sample on Raspberry PI

I have raspberry pi 3 B+ with Raspbian Jessi on it it. I am trying to setup it to run OpenVINO applications. I was following the installation steps as per the documentation and it went fine. When I ...
aibrahim's user avatar
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How to toggle wifi based on Ethernet connection?

I've tried a dozen different searches, but nothing has turned up exactly what I need. Here's my use case: [Minimally at boot, bonus if dynamically] If Ethernet has (or obtains) link, configure ...
M Hill's user avatar
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Bluetooth on a read-only system

Oi, I am trying to say hello here... why are you deleting my "Hello all"... Anyway, as the title suggests, I need some help with bluetooth on a read only system. After some playing around and ...
papatrexas's user avatar
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Not accepting any new connections. Raspberry pi zero W [closed]

I am new to Stackexchange. I have been working on a monitoring service (python based) on RPi Zero W. I edited the /etc/rc.local file to execute the program during the startup. The program works ...
Prudhvi Reddy Vemireddy's user avatar
3 votes
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Unable to reset password on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Jessie)

I'm trying to follow the directions in (For future reference in case that tutorial disappears, here is the steps up to the point which I ...
user3273814's user avatar
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2 answers

How to send email from Pi using python without smtplib?

I am new in Raspberry Pi and I am trying to send mails without using SMTP. I had used SMTP before and it worked perfectly fine. But recently the same code is not working, though it compiles without ...
opu 웃's user avatar
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eduroam wifi login RP3b vs RPI4

I was wondering if there is any difference with the RPI3b and the RPI4 to login to eduroam network (WPA-EAP)? I have 3 rpi3b and i connect to eduroam without any issue. On th RPi 3B I have Raspbian ...
fatatra's user avatar
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Pi 2B won't update TeamViewer

I've recently tried to log into my Raspberry Pi (2B with 1GB running Jessie) using TeamViewer and found that my TV software is out of date. I needed to update TV to version 14. When I downloaded ...
Michael's user avatar
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Why the script hang for 2 days?

I am running a python script to check the internet connection of a wifi network. It is being run for every 10minutes. Afwer a one month of working, the scheduler is not invoking the actual function ...
mcv's user avatar
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1 answer

How to access Samba on Raspi in Workgroup from my Win10 on Domain [closed]

In my home network, I am running Samba on a Pi and it is running well for a long time. I can access it from my multiple laptops running Windows 10. However, with the addition of the latest win 10 ...
Kangkan's user avatar
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2 answers

Apt: apt update command fails to update

I need help, can anyone solve this problem? My Raspberry Pi can't update and is showing this when I run sudo apt update: How can I fix this?
Shiddiqi's user avatar
2 votes
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Failed to fetch HttpError404

I'm trying to do a simple sudo apt-get update on my Raspberry Pi 2, but I keep getting 404 error: W: Failed to fetch HttpError404 ...
amicoderozer's user avatar
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Wiring Pi Issue - #!/bin/bash vs #!/bin/sh

I am working on a project and have an application shell script. For function part, I need the GPIO access, and for that, I am using the standard wiringpi package. The issue I am getting is with the #...
Kunal Sonone's user avatar
-1 votes
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Apt-get unable to locate package

I am trying to install php7.0 on jessie and running into a problem. $ sudo apt-get install php7.0 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: ...
whatevermike's user avatar
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Why the message "raspberrypi dhclient: send_packet: Network is unreachable"?

I am having a raspberry pi jessie OS. I configured it as ethernet to ethernet router. eth0 is connected to a modem and eth1 is actually a usb to eth converter. Rpi get internet through the eth0 ...
mcv's user avatar
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