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Questions tagged [plymouth]

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Keeping the splash screen displayed until the desktop is shown

I have successfully changed my splash screen on Raspberry Pi OS (Version 11 Bullseye) and removed the Plymouth status messages during the display of the splash screen. Now I want to keep the splash ...
Jotaro Joestar's user avatar
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Plymouth failed at boot - CAUGHT SEGV

I have a degraded systemd on my Raspberry (Raspberry OS) and the culprit is : plymouth. I have this error (catch SEGV) plymouth-start.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV ░░ ...
JoelCrypto's user avatar
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Plymouth bootsplash starting too late

I've set up a Plymouth bootsplash inside an initramfs on Raspbian buster. (It's using something similar but not identical to the raspi-config RO overlay.) But I've noticed that there's a ...
Miral's user avatar
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Effect of `nosplash` in /boot/cmdline.txt

I am trying to understand the effect of nosplash in the kernel commandline parameters. This is currently undocumented, but I'm basically obtaining a different behavior depending if its presence or not....
Jarhmander's user avatar
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Run a script before blank screen on shutdown/reboot

I am trying to get my raspberry pi 3 (running Raspbian 10) to show an animation on boot and before shutdown/reboot. using Plymouth I managed to get the boot animation, however, it doesn't display ...
Behnam Ezazi's user avatar
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Booting directly into app: remove console prompt

I try to quietly boot into a qt app on a raspberry 3 running raspian stretch. In my /boot/cmdline.txt I have dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=serial0,115200 console=tty3 root=PARTUUID=02e50ed3-02 ...
maxwell's user avatar
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Restoring TTY cursor after boot splash

I'm using Plymouth boot splash on Raspbian Lite with great success, using this guide. By adding vt.global_cursor_default=0 in /boot/cmdline.txt it hides the blinking cursor during the boot sequence. ...
NoChecksum's user avatar
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Playmouth ignores the current theme

On startup Plymouth 0.9.2, on Raspbian Stretch, always shows the "text" theme (three square dots) regardless the current theme settings. In fact I have: $ plymouth-set-default-theme mark1 $ cat /...
Mark's user avatar
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