I'm currently working on a project to hook up a robotic arm & webcam to my Raspberry Pi and control said arm through a web inteface.
I believe the technical work here involves:
- Connecting the Robot Arm to the Pi (done).
- Commanding the Arm through Pi using Python (in progress).
- Setting up a Webserver on the Pi (done).
- Posting commands from the Webserver through to the Python scripts.
- Web interface to provide UI control for posting commands to the webserver.
Thanks to the comments already I've managed to get the web server functional. My only question now really lies around the link between the web server and the Python scripts.
Assuming I have a script that can run, awaiting commands to control the Robot Arm, I can't see how I get the Apache web server to forward "commands" into this script. I'm assuming I will need a Python web framework or something similar to achieve this.
I really appreciate all the help so far. Hopefully this edited question makes it slightly more clear what I'm trying to achieve.
Since I'm documenting this project, I will obviously give credit to those that have helped and put the web link in here once it's all finished so you can all put the arm through it's paces :-)