(1) Rpi4B terminal command Gpio and Python GpioZero can set GPIO pin output High or Low level.
(2) GPIO pin if connected to a (push button or toggle) switch can set Gpio pin output to Low.
(3) If switch in (2) is disconnected, GPIO pin output goes High level again.
(4) If GPIO pin connected to Rpi 40 pin connector's 5V power output (Pins 2, 4) GPIO pin output becomes High level again.
(a) High (logical) level means Rpi finds GPIO pin (physical, electrical) voltage ~= 3.3V (or ~= 5.0V)
(b) Low (logical) level means Rpi finds GPIO pin voltage ~= 0.0V
(c) High = 1 = 'turn on', Low = 0 = 'Turn Off'
What is the deal here? When I take the connection and attach it to an
always on 5V pin - the turns on! Any thoughts?
There is no big deal. If Rpi GPIO pin is connected to 5V, it is
getting warmer and warmer (should not seeing smoke or flame, or hearing a pop or a bang), just dying slowing frying (geek talk = "silicon up latching").
Latching Up Forum Discussions
(1) DHT11 sensor and the wrong voltage may have fried my RPi3
(2) Circuit wiring issue