i'd like to type in japanese on my pi 400, but i can't seem to get it to work. i do have japanese fonts; if i load a japanese website or text file, they display properly, but i can't seem to type in japanese characters. things i have tried:
adding the Keyboard Layout Handler to my panel, right clicking on it, changing settings to include both US and JP keyboard layouts. the alt+shift keyboard toggle does change the flag icon to the next language, but when i actually type, i don't get any japanese characters, but regular old english letters. i've also noticed that when i hit the "close" button, the dialogue box doesn't actually close, so i don't know if that's related.
i've also tried doing what i think is the same thing, just via the terminal, putting in
sudo nano /home/pi/.config/lxpanel/LXDE-pi/panels/panel
and then adding this to the end of the file:
Plugin {
Config {
this produced the same result, i could change the flag, but couldn't actually type in japanese characters.
i also tried installing ibus/anthy via the add/remove programs interface, and i did get the box on the panel that let me switch between english and japanese, but again, when i tried to actually type, i didn't get any japanese characters, only english letters.
i did sudo update and full-grade my system this morning, and the japanese input still doesn't work. i don't know if i'm missing something obvious, but i figured i'd ask. thanks much~