Raspberry Pi has recently added fan control feature in its raspi-config tool. This made me curious to add a fan to my RPI 4. I did it recently with a 680-ohm resistor, 2N2222 transistor, 1N4007 diode, and a 5v 5x5 fan. I connected all stuff like the below and it works, but faulty! The fan needs a hand to get started! It won't start without my hand's help, but it will work right when it started with my hand. Can it be due to the transistor's hFE? which is 100mA in this case. and if it is, which transistor should I use? also, I have to say that I connected the Base pinout of the transistor to the 5v pin just for test and see that It starts itself or not, but it didn't start, and still needed my hand!
SOLVED: First, I bought a new fan, previous fan needed too much current as a raspberry pi fan. Second, my bad! I had connected the emitter pinout and collector pinout wrongly!