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Questions tagged [raspi-config]

raspi-config is the raspbian configuration tool for the Raspberry Pi.

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-1 votes
2 answers

How to enable overlayfs (read only mode) on Raspberry Pi 3B + Raspberry Pi OS (Bookworm)

TL;DR: This doesn't work in bookworm, so if you have this problem ditch it and go back to bullseye where overlayfs 'just works'. Only read on if you want your eyes to bleed. Original question: I want ...
Paul Rafferty's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How To Setup Pi Camera Livestreaming with ROS2 Humble on Ubuntu 22.04

I am trying to integrate a raspberry pi camera into my robotic platform running on ROS2 Humble Hawksbill on Ubuntu 22.04. It works fine with all of the built in libraries on the default raspberry pi ...
Cameron Bauman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Setting up wifi SSID and pasword on Raspberry Pi Bookworm headless for unreachable network

This should be a common situation. I have configured a Pi with Bookworm to work headless on my WiFi and now want to move it to a different location with another LAN. I have the SSID and password, but ...
Bouke's user avatar
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Mhs 3.5 inch display trouble - screen rotation disabled?

Two days ago I started experimenting with Raspberry PI 4B and a 3.5 inch MHS display as described here: I started, of course, by installing Raspberry PI ...
Karlsson's user avatar
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Can’t Enable Raspberry Pi camera rev1.3

I have raspberry pi 4 model B and when I am trying to connect camera rev1.3 but I can’t find the camera in raspi-config, so I can't enable it. I am using OS 32-bit bookworm.
Abdelrahman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Run raspi-config non-interactively - skip whiptail dialogs

I'm running raspi-config on remote hosts non-interactively, using Ansible. Since there is no TTY attached, opening dialogs with whiptail will make the system get stuck. Versions: Debian: Bookworm ...
Wolkenarchitekt's user avatar
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Enabling overlayfs makes external drives read-only

After updating to bookworm enabling overlayfs via raspi-config seems to have changed its behaviour. Before the update, it only affected the sd card filesystem but now it also changes my external usb ...
Wrykoulaka's user avatar
-2 votes
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What is the proper format of adding in multiple SSID's into wpa_supplicant.conf?

What is the proper format of adding in multiple SSID's? I have the following below. Do I add a comma like in JSON format? # For more configuration option please see: #
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do I prevent raspberry pi automatic turn on when I connect the power plug?

I connect the power in plug. After that raspberry pi automatically turn on . But I want it to be on when I press the button, how can I do this?
SURESH BHATI's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to get overscan working on RasPi 4?

This has been asked multiple times in multiple forums. Invariably the answer is editing /boot/config.txt. This doesn't solve the issue. My RasPi's connected to a TV via HDMI0. The TV is one of those ...
Peregrino69's user avatar
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No response from urllib3 package as of December 2022

for months I have used my Raspberry Pi (Raspbian version 10 [Buster]) to query different APIs using different python packages (such as tgtg or spotipy. Everything worked perfectly until the start of ...
nhaus's user avatar
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How can I access a raspi-config submenus directly?

I am working on a script that needs to access raspi-config at "Interface Options > I2C" directly. Is there a way to do this at the command line ? Thanks
FedeKrum's user avatar
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2 answers

What does changing the hostname in raspi-config actually do?

I want to write a script that will achieve the same effect as changing the hostname in raspi-config. However, I am not entirely sure what raspi-config does when the hostname is changed (via 1 System ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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Set/Change PID / VID on Raspberry Pi Pico

I want to change the Product ID and Vendor ID of my Raspy Pico. After some research I found the TinyUSB library and there seems to be settings for Device Descriptor. As soon as I integrate the library ...
0i9n's user avatar
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SPI Interrupt Bit-Offset / Too Early

I´m running an SPI Slave on my Pico and executing an interrupt when 16 bits of Data are received. I visualized the interrupt with a gpio spike on the beginning and end of the interrupt to see when it´...
0i9n's user avatar
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Problem with WIFI

I have a Pi 3B + and installed bullseyes ago to two month and not it detected wireless wifi, it say No wireless. I does tried with raspi-config, enable wifi and it say no wireless. so i does tried ...
Omr Bargo's user avatar
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The w1 folder is not showing up even after enabling the the 1 wire interface

The /sys/bus folder does not contain any folder named w1 even after enabling it through raspi-config or config.txt. This happened after I updated the raspi. I cant find any solution from the different ...
Paul Jose's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Lower temperature for GPIO fan turning on

raspi-config P4 only allows temperatures above 60, but I prefer being able to touch my pi before the fan turns on. Is there a way to ignore this limit and set the temperature to a lower value?
pythonian 23's user avatar
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Configure RasPi 4 for headless operation [closed]

I'm trying to run a Pi 4 headless as I don't have the microusb cord available. In /boot, I ran touch ssh then created wpa_supplicant.conf and with the modified contents: country=US ctrl_interface=DIR=/...
hrokr's user avatar
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3 answers

How to enable ssh semi-headless (I have a keyboard but no monitor)

Raspberry Pi 400 just arrived, very excited! I can connect it to my laptop via direct Ethernet and ping it. Unfortunately, the monitor won't be here for a while... and I'm eager to get going. All I ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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raspi-config for CentOS (or) How do I manually adjust the size of my root partition?

I need to know how to install raspi-config on a CentOS distro. Can this be done? If not, how can I manually adjust the root partition? On every image I've downloaded for the Pi, every CentOS distro, ...
no-graspi-wheres-raspi's user avatar
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How to enable composite on retroarch Raspberry Pi4?

I've got a pi4 working nicely over HDMI, but I prefer CRT. I've bought a 3.5mm to Scart cable, hooked it up, and I just get blank/flicker screen and audio, at the same time as HDMI. A quick look ...
Sean Doherty's user avatar
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Check for dtoverlay=w1-gpio error despite the line being present in /boot/config.txt

I am trying to use a DS18B20 temperature sensor in a thermostat project but a few days ago when I shut down my rpi4(B) and restarted it the next day, without any change in code or the circuit I ...
Abhay's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Unable to change hostname on Raspberry pi 3

I have a Raspberry pi 3b that I am trying to change the hostname from the default of raspberry. Every time I change it and then reboot, the hostname is still raspberrypi. os-release yields: ...
Dale's user avatar
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How to get raspi-config on Ubuntu 21.04? - Failed to update superblock on microSD on Ubuntu. Needed to setup USB boot

I wanted to do a USB boot from a PI 4. (My microSD card would not boot. Superblock not writable ... see below). I am currently running Ubuntu 21.04 on a Raspberry PI 4 with 8GB of RAM and using zram ...
sailnfool's user avatar
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"cannot currently show desktop"

I was working on installing maven on my raspberry pi3b+ and when I rebooted it, it asked me to enter my password again. Upon entering the password a message pops up: Cannot currently show the desktop&...
Aishwarya Kanchan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

raspberry pi fan don't start to spin without hand help!

Raspberry Pi has recently added fan control feature in its raspi-config tool. This made me curious to add a fan to my RPI 4. I did it recently with a 680-ohm resistor, 2N2222 transistor, 1N4007 diode, ...
AmirHo3inF's user avatar
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How do I select Locales in the "raspi-config"

I am trying to generate locales with raspi-config I can't figure out how to tick the box on this interface. Return, tab, right arrow... they all move the cursor, or bring me to the next screen, but I ...
Alex028502's user avatar
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Directly boot into my program that requires user input

I have a project called "Sleepy Notes" where I can type early in the morning and record dreams, poems and crazy ideas. Now since my program requires user input via the keyboard it cannot be ...
Besi's user avatar
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Camera in Raspberry Pi shows no input on screen

I am new to using Raspberry Pi. I have RSP 4 model B, I need it for a college project I am doing, I bought a camera module for it. and it doesn't show output on screen using "cheese" I am ...
IlanK's user avatar
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2 votes
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Overclocking Raspberry Pi after the device has booted

I using a Raspberry-Pi 3B+ device and I am trying to change the maximum frequency after the device has booted. From my understanding, this can be done by editing the files under /sys/devices/system/...
noobcoder's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

No tilde on apple wireless keyboard

Keyboard model Works fine except that I cannot generate a tilde. The ~ key gives me a >
forestDM's user avatar
5 votes
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how to access to the configuration of my raspberry pi os lite

Hello I want to access the menuconfig of the raspberry pi os lite, but I had this error root@raspberrypi:/# make menuconfig make: *** No rule to make target 'menuconfig'. Stop. root@raspberrypi:/# ...
mina's user avatar
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Config.txt for connecting RPI4 to Light Projector [duplicate]

I am using this code in the config.txt and I am not able to connect properly to the projector. It is possible to decide to display or not an image but it isn't possible to turn On or Off the projector....
nanobio3D's user avatar
2 votes
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How to troubleshoot selection of audio device

When right click on the volume icon at top right of the screen, a menu lets me select Analog or HDMI audio output. Whatever selection I do, a green check mark appears at the selected option but there ...
SkarmoutsosV's user avatar
-2 votes
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Raspberry Pi 3 AutoLogin doesn't work

I recently updated my Raspberry Pi 3 (non b+) from Raspbian Jessie to Stretch and then to buster (it's also rocking Retropie 4.7.1 on top of that). And for some reasons the autologin function : raspi-...
aramir's user avatar
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2 answers

configure raspberry pi from c program

can I write a piece of code that enables serial port and camera without using raspi-config? I would like to auto-config modules without manually using raspi-config to do so.
Mark's user avatar
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SSH turned off after first reboot?

I've just put the 20/8/2020 version of Buster (Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) with desktop) onto a WD Pi-Drive with a Pi 3B+ hanging off. I added the ssh file to /boot and powered up fine. I ran terminus ...
user avatar
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How to debug raspberry pi 4 connected fan

I'm completely new to this stack exchange, I've recently purchased a new case for my pi and a fan. It's a 5V fan which i connect the red wire to pin 4 and the ground to pin 6. While in power my fan ...
Phill Alexakis's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible to bulk load code prior to first boot just as ssh can be enabled or wpa_supplicant can be configured?

Knowing that ssh can be enabled with the initial flashing of an SD card (with raspbian) (via touch /boot/ssh) and wireless can be configured (via wpa_supplicant.conf) prior to first boot, is there ...
user3.1415927's user avatar
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Trying to set wifi ap name and password, via an ssh session

This Pi has Ubuntu Mate on it. Everything I find says that raspi-config will have a setting in it for the wifi info but my version of raspi-config has a different menu and doesn't seem to have the ...
pitosalas's user avatar
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Using Python to enable camera without raspi-config

I created a Python project that requires the camera to be enabled. In order to make it user friendly, I'm trying to enable the camera automatically without the user having to do it manually using ...
Amine Messaoudi's user avatar
0 votes
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Can we use RPi as main router which directly connect to ISP provided broadband cable to access internet?

Im beginner to RPi and networking as well so i have very basic question for start. i am trying to build a internet wifi router using RPi3 with the help of material available on internet. But i can ...
Manoj's user avatar
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Best resource for raspi-config equivalents in config.txt

I am trying to figure out how to edit my /boot/config.txt with the same functionality implicit in raspi-config. For example, I'd like to know how to enable/disable for "P6 Serial" in this ...
J Greene's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 - BCM2835 Library - SPI1 - data mode 1

I use the BCM2835 library to communicate in SPI with an ADC. The SPI0 interface is already used by a touch screen (
Maxime Charrière's user avatar
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Expand file system not needed anymore?

Expanding the file system on the first boot of a fresh Raspberry Pi OS (buster) - or expanding it at all - has always been under discussion and there is a lot of material out there for how to do it. ...
Janos's user avatar
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Activate SPI & I2C, deactivate serial console programmatically

To enable I2C and SPI interfaces and deactivate the serial console, you can use the raspi-config tool which works as expected. As far as I am informed, for SPI and I2C activation, the tool is just ...
albert's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to get raspi-config on Ubuntu 20.04

Is using raspi-config on Ubuntu an anti-pattern or there's an equivalent package made just for Ubuntu? I'd like to use it to easily control OverlayFS for example. Is this possible with Ubuntu on RPi ...
dzhi's user avatar
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Ubuntu GPIO mapping and port configuration

I turned from Raspbian to Ubuntu 19 32bit on my RPI4 because I need this distribution. I downloaded it using the RPI Imager. I had a working pinout on Raspbian, mapped on config.txt for the I2C and ...
Jaume's user avatar
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RPi4-No access to Raspberry Pi from Windows 10

RPi4-No access to Raspberry Pi from Windows 10 Where is the problem? Runnibg on: Raspberry Pi 4 (buster), USB3 disk attached with volume label USB2TB a 2 terabyte NTFS disk Windows 10 Home, Version ...
Henrik's user avatar
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