I need to know how to install raspi-config on a CentOS distro. Can this be done? If not, how can I manually adjust the root partition? On every image I've downloaded for the Pi, every CentOS distro, the root partition is very small after flashing the image to the SD card. I'm using a 64GB SD and the default root partition is only like 1.7GB which leaves me no room on the root for anything such as updates and server software I want to run.
I've tried to use a VM via hyper v on Windows 10 and for a minute, I thought it was going to work, everything I've tried has been unsuccessful in resizing the root partition and also producing an SD card that will actually boot on the Pi. I tried GParted live boot as well, couldn't get that to work either. I tried fdisk and parted on the cli, several times and several ways to no avail. How can this be properly achieved?
I'd prefer raspi-config as this is no doubt the easiest way to go, if there is a version that will function on CentOS.
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks.
sudo parted -m /dev/mmcblk0 u s resizepart 2 ####
- where####
is one less thancat /sys/block/mmcblk0/size
- I'm assuming centos has two partitions like raspberry pi OS of course