Here is a weird one for yall. I kinda busted my OS up and I want to reflash a headless install of the Raspberry Pi OS. I spent literally hours as I take the micro SD card off and I put it in my MS-windows 10 PC. I tried etcher, reflashing, reformatting, diskpart, official imager, and they all said it is read only. Furthermore, searching online results people saying that the micro sd card is DEAD and that the read only thing protects the data left.
So there I thought: welp, there goes ol' sandisk, time to buy a new one, but WAIT, I plug it back inside the raspberry pi and the micro SD card works PERFECTLY. I can do vi file.txt
I can do batch-write operations etc. Why is windows lying to me that the sd card is write only? Keep in mind again, I have used a multitude of tools that I pretty much exhausted.
NONE of them worked and I was one second away to throwing the micro SD card in the trash until I plugged it back in to the Pi, for it to ONLY work on the pi. Why won't it let me reflash a new image? Please help.
Edit: tried it on several computers just to make sure the SD card readeer wasnt faulty. So that adds to the strangeness.