I want to add 4 INMP441 digital MEMS microphones to the GPIO pins of Raspberry pi 4 to perform sound source localisation.
Here's a reference link to the mic: https://robu.in/product/inmp441-mems-high-precision-omnidirectional-microphone-module-i2s/?gclid=CjwKCAiAioifBhAXEiwApzCztoUeo5VuBrtSFQYbl6_9TnM_MW8JvmZ6-p_USflxKZf5BR87sbBx8hoCw7gQAvD_BwE
Questions in particular:
- The mics have a pin named WS. What does it do & where to connect that?
- I have to record 4 individual audios. So, should I connect all the SDAs together or connect them seperately? Same question for SCLs
- The mics also have L/R selectors, Should I make them L & R according to the placement or can I keep them all in one mode?