I've done some Googling and, so far, none of the answers I've found fit my use case for one reason or another.
What am I trying to achieve? I want my Raspberry Pi 2B+, at boot, to SSH automatically into one host running on my network and launch the command bpytop on said host. The host is running Lubuntu 22.04 and already has bpytop installed, while the Raspberry is running a headless version of the latest Raspberry Pi OS 32bit (/etc/*release says it's version 11, on kernel 6.1.21-v7+). I have already set up keyless SSH into the host, and that works just fine; the Raspberry is also connected to a 5" HDMI display.
What doesn't work fine is everything else. I've tried, as a test, to configure crontab so that it SSH at reboot into the host; that doesn't work, and I'm realising now it might be because jobs in crontab are not displayed to the monitor attached.
Of course, doing all of this manually works just fine, as in I can SSH into the host, then launch bpytop and see all of its glorious data.
My question is: is this actually achievable, having the Pi doing all of this at boot without user intervention?
EDIT: For clarification, here's the latest crontab command I've tried:
#Automatic SSH in into Lubuntu server at reboot
@reboot sleep 30 && bpytop | ssh -i /home/pi/.ssh/pi-monitor USR@IPADDR > /dev/tty1
I was trying without /dev/tty1, and of course the display was just showing the Pi terminal. Now that I'm passing the command to tty1, here's what I'm greeted with (sorry for the screen picture, but the issue is with what's on the actual display). That Welcome to Ubuntu message is the MotD of the host I want to connect to, so that's a start. However, bpytop is not being executed, and pressing any key on the keyboard will just bring me back to the Pi console.