I had to reboot my RPI when my web server was working. And the RPI can't reload on my Desktop after this reboot; a black page appears at each time.

So i have tried some button press and when I do Alt+F1 a sort of terminal appears! After I log myself as user : pi, I can made some commands. Then, I'm going in the raspi-config to change my setting to boot on my Desktop, who was always the fact before.

sudo raspi-config

So I reboot again but the same trouble is still here. Is there a LSB script problem or something like this? What can I do?

Can I restart only the boot config of raspbian?

  • I've edited a link to what I presume you meant by LSB -- although I am not sure how relevant it is, it seemed more applicable than "least significant byte". If you meant something else please correct.
    – goldilocks
    Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 14:35
  • I am not an expert but I want to talk about : wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts that kind of script.
    – Thibzy
    Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 14:44

1 Answer 1


CtrlAltF[1-6] takes you to an array of virtual terminals (aka. VT or VC, virtual console). The X server runs on top of one of them, which is the dsyfunctional black screen in this case.

Since you can log in on a VT, you can check the current X server log in /var/log. This may or may not be useful. The logs are named with a format like this:


Where N is the display number, which is likely 0 in this case. The logs are rolled over once so there will also be a Xorg.0.log.old. There's a lot of information there, just skim it to see if anything stands out to you as an error.

Next you can check the output of systemctl status lightdm. Lightdm is the display manager used by default on Raspbian if you are using a graphical login.

I had to reboot my RPI when my web server was working.

This sounds like by "reboot" you mean pull the plug and power up again without having shut the system down properly. If it was busy doing I/O to the SD card at the time, this may have resulted in filesystem corruption. I'm pretty sure this should be checked automatically at boot, although NOOBs may complicate that. To make sure, edit your /boot/recovery.cmdline (see here) and add:


To the end. Note this file should remain all one line; this should be added after a space, not a newline. Then reboot.

You may want to remove that afterward since it will add some time every boot (about 10-20 seconds for an 8 GB root filesystem).

This may not fix the problem but it may fix something if there was corruption and it has gone unfixed -- you should notice boot messages about that if you switch to tty1 (with ctrl-alt-F1) as soon as possible during boot.

Note also if the filesystem fix was already done then there may have been corruption which is fixed in the sense the filesystem is now coherent, but data was lost causing your problem. If there is any content in /lost+found that's a clue that this may have happened (since those fragments won't be dated properly on the pi, it is impossible to say if they are recent, however, unless you keep the directory clean).

You can also look through the end of /var/log/syslog to see if any errors jump out there.

  • Really good ! thx you men! I have just some precision to add, when i have says, I had to reboot .. It's because the server had completely explode my CPU charge to 100% and the only thing I can do it's to do the command reboot in my lxterminal. I will made all the cheked you have proposed see u soon
    – Thibzy
    Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 15:20
  • when I am in the /var/log, i do ls and i see two files in red : aptitude.1.gz and syslog.2.gz they are corrupt ?
    – Thibzy
    Commented Sep 14, 2016 at 8:11
  • And after the command : systemctl status lightdm the terminal send me Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Tue 2016-09-13 17:26:57 CEST; 21min ago and on the next line Process 1241 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/lightdm (code=exited, staatus=1/FAILLURE)
    – Thibzy
    Commented Sep 14, 2016 at 8:22
  • Apparently I have problem about the start limit.. I see on my screen since the boot time, my system try to:Start User Manager For different UID like : 1000, 109 .And he stopped then consecutively. For say me at the end Failed to start Light Display Manager.
    – Thibzy
    Commented Sep 14, 2016 at 8:55
  • The files in red are probably just that way because of whatever file manager you are using; perhaps it indicates a compressed type (.gz). There is no way for it to know if a file is "corrupt". The more serious problem with filesystem corruption is that the information which organizes the filesystem is damaged, and this can have a range of consequences up to making it unusable. fsck is intended to try and correct that as much as possible, but sometimes this may mean having to throw data away. There should be an indication of this though when it happens.
    – goldilocks
    Commented Sep 14, 2016 at 9:25

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