I have a Raspberry Pi 3 running Retropie 4.1. I just purchased an N64 controller for the N64 ROMs that I have. I configured the input and I can now navigate around the Retropie menu but when I go into a ROM, it won't respond to the controller. Is there a step I missed? Everything I find online is for Retropie 2 or 3.
Pi Model or other hardware: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Power Supply used: 5V 2.5A
RetroPie Version Used : 4.1
Built From: Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website
USB Devices connected: MAYFLASH N64 Controller Adapter For Pc
Controller used: Original Nintendo 64 Controller
UPDATE: I switched to the lr-glupen64 emulator and now I can *sort of * play with the Nintendo 64 controller. The joystick isn't sensitive enough though. Example: I can't turn really well in Mario Kart 64.