First of all it`s correct, that you cannot granting GPIO access from inside of the docker Container as i know so far.
A Possible Workaround is to adding Parameters to the Dockerfile and to your application:
Your Dockerfile should have an Entrypoint in the End like:
ENTRYPOINT ["./yourBinary","-gpioNumber"]
After this you should able to start a Docker Container with following command (after the image build of course):
1. API: docker run --privileged -d YourImageName -gpio=22 <--- for example
2. GUI: docker run --privileged -d YourImageName -gpio=24 <--- for example
As mention in the comment is it Possible as long you are not using the same GPIO. Heres a Documentation for Docker GPIO access
Thats one suggestion.
But to answering your Question, Yes! you can run multiple Application without Docker.
How? As Example run your GUI and API application as process in a Background with the bg command
But as above descripted as long you won`t use the same GPIO port