I've just set up a RaspBMC and I wanted to play a movie. Unfortunately, it just showed a gray screen and played sound.

I've found out, that the movie's codec is DivX 3 Low motion, which is unsupported because of a license issue.

But I have 60 GB content, and I don't want to convert it.

Is there any solution?

Thank you.

  • Why don't you want to convert it? It looks like an older codec. Commented Sep 17, 2012 at 13:30
  • I hope, you can read: "But I have 60 GB content, and I don't want to convert it."
    – antivirtel
    Commented Sep 17, 2012 at 13:39
  • I can... which is why I asked. Commented Sep 17, 2012 at 13:41
  • Because it takes much time :D Calculate: 130 episodes remaining, Avidemux writes 17m/episode, if we sum: 1.534 day
    – antivirtel
    Commented Sep 17, 2012 at 13:50
  • 1
    I suspect it will be worth it, as the GPU is closed the only way to get accelerated playback is to use the Foundation's licensed codecs. VLC may play it, but I suspect it will be unbearably slow. Commented Sep 17, 2012 at 13:53

2 Answers 2


if you have a linux I made this script (ToH2364.sh) which look for all avi file and convert only the ones using divx3 codecs (msmpeg4) it could help

./ToH264.sh RootPathOfTheSearch extensionToLookFor ExtentionOfTheEncodedFile CodecToCheck


./ToH264.sh /media/HDD/ avi mp4 msmpeg4

but only the directory is mandatory so it could simply be:

./ToH264.sh /media/HDD/

# erease result file
echo "Result File" > ToH264.result
#Get the forlder to search
#Get the extension to look for if it exist, else look for "avi"
if [[ $2=="" ]]
then exti="avi"
else exti=$2
#Get the futur extension for if it exist, else set "mp4"
if [[ $3=="" ]]
then exto="mp4"
else exto=$3
#Get the codec to look for if it exist, else look for "msmpeg4"
if [[ $4=="" ]]
then cdc='msmpeg4'
else cdc=$4
# exe the search and save the result in TpH264.tmp
find $fld  -name "*.$exti" > ToH264.tmp
#convert each result stored in the file ToH264.tmp if it use the specified codec and if the output file doesn't exist
while read line
   if avprobe -show_streams "$line" | grep $cdc
           echo "$line"  >> ToH264.result
           no | avconv -threads 8 -i "$line" -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -c:a copy "${line%.*}.$exto"
done < ToH264.tmp
  • I signed up just to say, "You sir, are a god"
    – Gareth
    Commented Aug 29, 2013 at 9:44

Cleaner log version Adds runtime stats Adds _converted tag to mark output files and make sure not to overwrite input ones:

# Required Ubuntu Packages
# libavcodec-extra-53 libav-tools
# Examples:
# ./toh264.sh /media/HDD/ avi mp4 msmpeg4
# ./toh264.sh /media/HDD/

# erease result file
echo "Converted Files" > ToH264.result
#Get the forlder to search
#Get the extension to look for if it exist, else look for "avi"
if [[ $2=="" ]]
then exti="avi"
else exti=$2
#Get the outcome file extension if it exist, else set "mp4"
if [[ $3=="" ]]
then exto="mp4"
else exto=$3
#Get the codec to look for if it exists, else look for "msmpeg4"
if [[ $4=="" ]]
then cdc='msmpeg4'
else cdc=$4
# exe the search and save the result in TpH264.tmp
find $fld  -name "*.$exti" > ToH264.tmp

#convert each result stored in the file ToH264.tmp if it use the specified codec and if the output file doesn't exist
while read line
   if [ x$(avprobe -show_streams "$line" 2> /dev/null| grep $cdc) != "x" ]
           echo "Converting" $line
           echo "$line"  >> ToH264.result
           avconv -stats -threads 8 -i "$line" -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -c:a copy "${line%.*}_converted.$exto"
done < ToH264.tmp

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