I have a Raspberry Pi connected to my router via Ethernet, it is currently running a host for a no-ip service, both SSH and VNC are enabled. When I am connected to my home network and enter my no-ip address into putty it connects to the Raspberry Pi.
However when I connect to an open Wi-Fi network and try to connect to my Raspberry Pi using my no-ip address, putty gives a connection refused error. I know I am connecting to the correct port and my no-ip address works when I am connected to the same network as the raspberry pi. So why does the connection not work when I try to access the Pi from a different network? Once I can get the SSH connection to work properly I know I how to set up a tunnel using putty to allow me to use VNC, again I have tested this and it works.
, but beware open wifi networks may try to detect interfaces in promiscuous mode, so don't do it for longer than you need to (it is not illegal, but you may get disconnected, etc.). You probably only need < 30 seconds anyway.