I got a RPi 2 model B v1.1 a while ago, and I am having way too much trouble trying to change the states of the GPIO pins. I have tried RPi.GPIO with a simple Python script and WiringPi in the command line. I have also gone in and changed the states as per step 6 of this resource.
I'm not running anything fancy, and this whole process began as just a simple test to get used to RPi.GPIO scripts, but now I'm starting to think something is wrong. None of the simple scripts I try to run from a variety of sources have any effect on GPIO states; for example, when I tried to change the state manually with Wiringpi in the command line, it would show the commands having an effect in the readall
command, but there would be no actual effect on output (the LED wouldn't turn on or off).
I have tried everything I can think of, using different ports, LED's, trying a script with a button, using WiringPi commands from the Command line, going in as a superuser and assigning states. Nothing is working. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.