I am working on a project that involves Raspberry Pis which run 24/7, periodically fetch data from a server and display it on a screen.
We have a problem with the USB ports - they appear to stop working after about a week of uptime. This happens on five different units. Normally, the only device plugged into each RPi is a 3G/WiFi dongle through a powered USB hub.
I looked at server logs and found that a certain unit has stopped updating the data.
After driving to see the device, it was still running and looping the data on the screen but I couldn't connect a keyboard. I assumed that the USB controller or something related to it stopped working.
When I restarted the unit, everything was fine.
The Raspberry Pi is revision 000e
(v1 model B, 512MB, PCB rev. 2).
I am in the process of updating the operating system image from Wheezy to Jessie.
It is possible that this problem was fixed in some kernel update or a similar thing.
With two extra units, I'd just do rpi-update
on one and leave it
for a week while working on the upgrade using the other device.
It is possible that when I finish the new image and try running it for a few weeks, it works.
However I would appreciate any information about the cause of this problem
because a week is a long time to wait and I could find it still broken then.
EDIT: Unfortunately I couldn't allocate time for the testing. In the meantime I've worked around the issue by restarting the devices nightly during a quiet period.
for errors or other information about this?