I've currently got a headless Raspberry Pi set up to play music. In my previous home I had an ethernet connection, and everything was fine and dandy. Then I moved, and now I have to work over WiFi. The WiFi adapter I had laying around is old and seems to eat an insane amount of power, so I have to plug it into a USB-hub with an external power supply. Considering that my speakers were probably also quite energy-hungry, I also plugged those into the hub.
So, setup now: Raspberry Pi with
- USB-stick with music
- USB hub with external power supply, physically 7 ports, internally 2*4.
- power-hungry WiFi adapter
- power-hungry speakers
Everything works fine until a reboot happens. The Pi won't recognize the WiFi adapter, nor the speakers, nor the 2nd internal 4-port hub of the USB-hub. To make everything work again I have to:
- Pull all power
- Plug in the Pi
- Wait about five seconds
- Plug in the adapter of the hub
When done correctly everything works, even with the "wait for network on boot" option turned on.
While I wait for a newer and (hopefully) less power-hungry WiFi adapter, is there any way to resolve this situation? Is this a shortcoming in the USB-hub, or one in the Pi? If in the hub, can I work around it with software? (Adding an SSR would help of course, but that seems like a bit overkill for a temporary problem.) If the shortcoming is in the Pi, how can I fix this?
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