I have a brand new Pi 3 Model V v1.2, using raspbian, with both USB and Ethernet completely dead - keyboard and network don't work. The same keyboard and network work on an older Pi 1 next to it.
On boot it shows a few lines of "Raspberry Pi dwc otg handle mode mismatch intr 68 mode mismatch interrupt currently in device mode". Could this be the same problem described on https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=87123 ? How would I "ground the OTG pin" on a Pi 3 (and is this a good idea) ?
Or is this hopeless, clear hardware fault - buy another one? I just got this one! ;-)
FYI It initially gave the "rainbow box" on boot (not the little rainbow in the upper right hand corner), so I bought a new power. Even with this strong power, it works once and on reboot still gives the "rainbow box" on re-boot - too hot? Bad SD card which works once and then on reboot is too hot?! From what I understand, this is technically a separate problem from my main problem described above, because when it does boot, then there is a blinking cursor, and apart from no working kbd and nw I think it's fine & happy.
PS: I've run rpi-update and apt-get update/ upgrade on the micro SD card inserted into an older Pi 1, to have latest software on the card.